Druid Williams

Jan 19, 2008
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At the same time that a radical muslim cleric is being refused admittance to this country, the liberal druid Rowan Williams, believes that some Sharia law in the UK seems "unavoidable". He said adopting parts of Islamic Sharia law could help social cohesion.For example, Muslims could choose to have marital disputes or financial matters dealt with in a Sharia court. Dr Williams said Muslims should not have to choose between "the stark alternatives of cultural loyalty or state loyalty".

This man is an idiot and I've said so since his appointment and he will go down as the person who has done more harm to the Anglican Church than anyone in history. He would be more at home in Iran than here. Who wants to chip in for his air fare?
Mar 17, 2007
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Sorry LB did not see this posting before I started another on the same subject. I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiments. I'm afraid that we have given this land over to a complete shower.
Aug 25, 2006
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And they wonder why church attendances are declining???

This guy is supposed to be head honcho (down here at least) and basically endorses a system that encourages forced marriages (also known in civilised countries as `slave trade` or `rape`), death by stoning and many other practices that are outlawed in countries that proclaim to free free of barbarism.

But hey, they don`t like our rules, so lets change them to suit.

Its probably cultural differences that are reason why we have drugs and prostitution run (certainly in Yorkshire) by this sector of what these bloody idiots laughingly call "society", and why 60% of cars in central Bradford don`t have insurance (yet the police admit uninsured cars are usually linked to other crimes, but do nothing about it).

Well, I don`t like paying taxes, so if I don`t like paying taxes and form a religion based on that ( and lets face it, some so-called "religions" are based on even less), do you think this prat will stand up and declare that I shouldn`t pay tax as my religious beliefs are being ignored and as such I will feel socially excluded?

I`m afraid the `religion` thing must be a scam.

If it isn`t can someone explain why the man upstairs didn`t direct a thunderbolt at Williams as ne was spouting this garbage?
Jan 19, 2008
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At least we've had some more good breaking news, Muslim cleric Abu Hamza looks as though he will be deported to the USA.

Another who despises the west and spewed his hatred of us in street sermons. And that was after being wounded by the Russians and flown to this country to be treated and given asylum. At least we won't be paying taxes to keep him in jail. A concrete coffin slipped overboard 1,500 miles out in the Atlantic is a fitting place for him.

How does that song go ......

Oh I'm h-a-p-p-y, yes I'm h-a-p-p-y, you know I am, I'm sure I am, yes I'm h-a-p-p-y.
Mar 14, 2005
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From what I can understand from the early evening news quite a few MPs from all parties in the House of Commons have spoken out against these thoughts and said it will not happen here and that the only law to be observed in the UK is British law.
Mar 14, 2005
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Incidentally Lord B. not all Welsh people are of this form of madness - some of us are quite sane with genuine beliefs and visions for the UK and the world in general.
Jan 19, 2008
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Incidentally Lord B. not all Welsh people are of this form of madness - some of us are quite sane with genuine beliefs and visions for the UK and the world in general.
I wasn't referring to his Welshness Colyn. I was referring to his looks and demeanour. He looks as though he would be more at home within a stone circle worshiping the moon or mistletoe.
Jan 19, 2008
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Quote from Colyn ....

From what I can understand from the early evening news quite a few MPs from all parties in the House of Commons have spoken out against these thoughts and said it will not happen here and that the only law to be observed in the UK is British law.

It's already happening Colyn. They already hold Sharia courts in muslim areas dealing with divorce etc.
Mar 14, 2005
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Yes Lord B. they do but it was stated on the news that these decisions made at the courts are not recognised by the law of the UK and therefore have no influence on the country's laws. Should their decision be one not accepted by UK law they will be taken to a British court for consideration. However the barmy far left will probably appoint a solicitor for them with legal aid and the likes of Liberty, etc witll represent them under Human Rights - Mrs. Blair will be there making more money for her practice and rubbing her hands to buy the new Jaguar for her son.
Mar 14, 2005
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Incidentally Lord B. not all Welsh people are of this form of madness - some of us are quite sane with genuine beliefs and visions for the UK and the world in general.
Sir - it was just a humourous piece of banter for you. You wait when I wear my Druid's robes and appear on the maes at the eistedfordd.
Mar 17, 2007
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I personally hope that the mad archbishop finds as much offence in the comments directed at him, as most reasonably minded British have found in his outrageous idea's. I expect that next he will want suicide bombing recognised as an extreme sport...
Jan 9, 2008
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I think you are being a little hard on the fellow, he should be given a chance on his ideas.

A two year trip to Bagdad to impress them with our ideas and laws, I'm sure that they would take more kindly to him than our troops


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