The best caravan awards results seem to continue the trend where the Best scores only 81.9% ! To put it another way that means over 18.1% customers were unhappy. and that just the "best" brand.
I continue to maintain that any industry that considers 18% or more customers are not satisfied should be ashamed of such a failure rate, and doing something really positive about resolving such high numbers of failures, by redesigning their products to prevent such failures.
With caravans costing many tens of thousands of pounds, customers should be demanding much better satisfaction and kicking up a real stink when things go wrong.
The buying public have been indoctrinated for decades into accepting sub par products from the manufacturers, its become endemic in the buyers minds.
When you end up paying what might be 50% or more of your annual income for a caravan, more than ever you should be demanding products that are right first time, and long lasting.