
Mar 14, 2005
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My towcar developed a battery leak which is now cured and got me thinking, my question is:

Would it be possible to connect a two pin 12v electrical outlet, direct from the battery, beneath the front bumper, (waterproof of course),which could be a 12v power source for when on site? Also, would this outlet be suitable for connecting a battery carger through to top up my battery?
Mar 14, 2005
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Tony, I'm no electrician, but your suggestion sounds potentially dangerous as the insulation on the wires could easily get chafed or burnt on hot exhausts etc. An easier solution would be to use a suitable plug which would fit into the car's cigarette lighter socket.
Jan 1, 2004
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Why not just use the caravan socket at the back all you will need is a 7 pin plug. I used to use this method to charge my car battery successfully some years ago. Just connect to the live +12 volt and earth pins
Mar 14, 2005
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why, as long as you don't try to run the fridge, water heater and watch tv for hours on end your leisure batt should last most stays on cl's, mine does - but there again i charge it with a leisure batt charger before leaving home. the cc did a feature some years ago, using solar and or wind power which kept the batt fully topped up. however there are some who take 2 batts around and charge one in the car and lug it back to the van after driving around then lug the other batt over to the car for charging - but they never state how long it takes to charge and how far they drive to do it. as more and more sites and cl's are offering electricity hook up it seems a bit pointless to me not using a hook up. again some may think paying for a electric hook up is robbery, however i and many others think its worth paying.
Mar 14, 2005
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Why bother to do this when you already have it in your 12s socket. whether you are wired to the pre 1998, or the post 1998 system, one of the wires, pin 4, is for running the interior lights etc. in the van. You only have to connect this pin and it's earth.

Regards, Clive.


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