engine management red light

Mar 23, 2013
ford motorhome transit 1998 2.5 turbo diesel,
engine management red light appears intermittantly,shuts down engine into limp mode which means a top speed about 50 mph.
engine red light has no pattern can illuminate after 300 miles or 30.seems to indicate electronics fault,as no other symtons except indication.Ford garage diagnostic check indicated fuel pump problem which would cost about $2,000 to correct.Not fully convinced only done 57000 miles.Appears complex set up lots of sensors especially in the fuel pump,information circuit diagrams difficult to obtain.
Nov 19, 2010
I don't think discussing it on here is going to get you very far Derrick. The days when we could put our collective heads together and come up with a range of opinions, any one of which might be right, have gone forever I'm afraid - except in the "classic" world.
If you're not convinced by your local Ford garage, when they've plugged it into the "system" and given you their answer, the only other thing you can do is take it to a different garage with the same kit. They'll either give you the same answer, in which case you have to bite the financial bullet, or they'll say somethign different, in which case one of them is wrong and you may need a thrid to give a "casting vote!"
Only electronics can diagnose electronics!
Nov 7, 2013
had same problem. It was intermitting signal from electronic accelarator to the "brain". there was high resistance in the wire. changed wire, everything good. ( This was after a fiat garage fitted a new acc pedal, which was not the fault.)


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