Equipment and Accessories

Jun 11, 2012
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Right . Moderators I wasnt quite sure where to post this one so if you feel the need to move it please do.I have just got back form a break in the Peak District and to say the least the first day there was a major disaster we arrived on site in snow , sleet . rain and strong winds.To top it all when we set up we found the water pump had gone down.This now being just after 4 pm last Wednesday.Now I am posting this for two reasons,Where were we were not far away from where the last Woosie Fest was held I seem to remember some body had a break down with some item or other .We checked the area and found what I can term only as the most helpful Equipment and Accessories you could wish for in Buxton. Peak Leisure . I went in with said broken down pump and nobody within the shop would just take a pump off the shelf and sell me one .MIne had to be tested..I left the shop with the original pump in hand working condition.I also walked out with a new pump and was told bring it back if your old pump is working alright on the van.I have kept the new pump thinking if its giving problems now what is round the corner.
So its all Thanks once again to Peak Leisure of Buxton
Apr 20, 2009
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Glad you got it sorted Sir Roger, if only all dealers were the same, and at least you had water for a nice cuppa.
Or you could have just melted the snow :lol: :lol:


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