Hi Frank.
"We have as a country a lot of clout with the voting."
This treaty/constitution will remove our veto and reduce our voting power.
".....we need to change it from within.Snouts and gravy trains are really housekeeping issues."
Corruption is rife in the EU - fact.The auditors have refused to sign off the accounts for the past 13years.It will never be changed from the inside because those on the inside,the MEPs,become part of the corrupt machinery from day one.Take Neil Kinnock for example; anti-EU when a senior British MP. Look at him now.It's a family business for them!
Hi Colin.
You are absolutely right in saying that the EU is 'a club'.
Unfortunately it has become a club which primarily benefits its' leaders who are unelected and unaccountable.
"....the latest tidying up exercise..."
The only people to refer to the reform treaty in these terms are the MEPs. Colin,it's an awful lot more than that!
"....we did not get a vote on the Maastrict treaty or any of the other treaties that we were signed up to...."
The peoples of the member states were given a referendum over the original constitution treaty.The French said no.The Dutch said no.Blair daren't let the British people have their say,but it wasn't needed anyway.
This time,they've changed the title and shuffled some of the words around but the product is still basically the same.However,Europe's polital elite are afraid of a re-run in the voting so have not allowed their respective countries a referendum - all except for little Eire.They have it written into their constitution (sect46)that anything that can effect the governance of the country must be decided by the people.
No-one,certainly not the Irish,is advocating leaving the EU.
Merely curtailing the mighty powers of Brussels.A united europe is a marvellous thing with benefits for all,whether rich country or bankrupt country.
But the beaurocrats have to be told when enough is enough.Sovereign states must retain their sovereignty,not hand it over to Brussels without the will of the people.
Climbs down off soap-box.Goes to have a lie down in a darkened room.