
Feb 3, 2005
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We've never been on the shuttle before - don't agree with paying double the fare of a cross channel ferry......but we've now saved enough Tesco vouchers (!) and thought we might give it a try in September.

If we book a night crossing, is it possible to rest up for a few hours in the arrivals area in Folkestone before taking to the road?


Aug 4, 2005
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Hi Keith,

You say the arrivals area, do you mean once you disembark from the train? If so then no, it's straight from the train on to the motorway.

If you mean prior to departure, you are requested not to arrive more than two hours before your scheduled crossing. Not saying you wouldn't be allowed in to the departure area but that is what they ask.

Mar 14, 2005
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For a short rest-up there is a service area immediatly adjacent to the motorway junction (J11) one before the tunnel junction (J11A). There could be coaches there in some numbers so it may not be too restful but at least it would get you off the road for a couple of hours.
Dec 14, 2006
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You could drive to the nearest service area, and try to find a space to have a rest for a few hours - but it will probably cost you as much as a French campsite for a night! Why not book a daytime crossing, perhaps early morning, after a night on a nearby French campsite (costs aren't likely to be that much different in September) and make the whole journey easier.
Feb 3, 2005
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Sorry I didn't make it very clear - I did mean when we disembark from the train in Folkestone on the way back.

When we travel by ship we like to get an early morning crossing after a night's sleep in France, as Val suggests. This means we don't get on the road in England until after the morning rush hour.

I thought a night crossing by train might get us in earlier, so I wondered if we could rest up until 0900 or so. From Rob's message it doesn't look as if this is possible so I will probably book a morning crossing as Val suggests.

Incidentally - On the way to Dover last year we called in at a service station near the tunnel (I think it must have been at J11) and there appeared to be no spaces for caravans at all(although it is advertised on the motorway as a stopping place for early arrivals for the ferry!) but a large area for coaches, and signs saying there would be a
Dec 14, 2006
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We called in at that service area too, on our way to the ferry - and thought it shouldn't even be called a Service area. We had to park taking up four or more car spaces across the car park as we were moved on from the coaches area! Apart from nowhere for caravans to park, the coffee shop was closed before 5.00 pm - and half the shop units were boarded up.
Feb 3, 2005
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The most annoying thing was that the coach area was empty when we were there on an evening!!

However on another occasion we were passing on a morning and it was full of coaches and they appeared to be using it as a hub for coaches departing to the continent!
Sep 24, 2008
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If i understand you that you need a place to stay in the early hours before moving off why not Marine Prade along side the waters edge at Dover, after 0900you have to pay parking charge .
Feb 3, 2005
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Hi Robert

Yes I have stayed there before catching a ferry in the night. You can also go for coffee in the sea front hotels.

....but this time we will be arriving off the train at Folkestone.



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