The mains input to my van is on the awning side, next to the door. I'd really like a 240v socket here too. Rather than hard wiring one in is there any kind of 'in-line' adapter that I could use on the mains cable that would give me a 240V socket?
15 mins in real timeI use a similar one but its green and has 3 sockets
One disadavantage is that any plugs incorporating a charger/transformer for cool boxes etc will not go into the socket because of the shape of the surround and the individual socket lids/covers and so a shorter extension is also needed
I have had to invert one socket and remove one cover and also I have to thread the cable under the van which is why I an now considering a trailing lead socket in the mains inlet box as posted above.
I already have a bored hole from inside the van to the mains inlet part and a convenient socket strip in the van so its just needs a trailing socket from the market today !!
A 5 minute job !!