External tap to water inlet


Mar 17, 2007
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Currently we connect to the water tap on a fully serviced pitch via a mains adaptor that goes into the aquaroll and thence via the usual submersible to the caravans water inlet socket. I have seen devices that go straight from the tap to the vans inlet socket without an aquaroll. What do you think of this arrangement? Are there any risks of such a direct connection to mains pressure.
Thanks in advance
Apr 7, 2008
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If the device fails ... The water pipe joints can blow causing a huge mess in the van. By far the safest way is through the barrel ..if the float fails you only have a flooded pitch .... ;)
Mar 8, 2009
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Not strictly true as even with the float system if you get an internal leak your van pump will detect that pressur drop and keep pumping until told to stop. and of course your mains filler will be keeping your bottle topped up on the float. There's no 100% system.
Nov 16, 2015
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Went along this idea myself a few months ago., at least with the barrel and hose, you can normally turn the water pump off when you go out. There is also the cost of the Aqua roll system, its over £80 , I think. I eventually decided not to go for the conversion. As having had a leak once, its amasing how much water is pumped into the van before you realise that you can hear the pump, and have a leak.
Jun 20, 2005
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I have both and one is still in its original wrapper. For as long as I can remember we have used the aquaroll adapter system.
The direct plug in always worried me.,.
You are asking a little caravan system to suddenly deal with mains pressure . Not a good recipe imo.

So with the aquaroll adapter system if you turn off the pump every time you go out for a while no harm will happen. The direct link system unless you turn off the mains tap has no protection at all.
Oct 8, 2006
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£80?? What is it - gold plated?

The usual price for the Aquaroll adapter is about £30 or so. We found one on an outlet in Skipton called Yorkshire Trading at £9.95 - so we bought two!

Note that the Aquaroll kit comes with a 7m drinking water-rated blue hose with Hozelock-type fittings on both ends; however beware as one end has a stop valve in it. If you get a hose extension you MUST get the same type of blue hose - any other is not rated for drinking, and it won't stand up to cold like the blue one does.
Nov 16, 2015
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Lots. Sorry Truma not Aqua.http://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=C7ugkrP_IVqb9GMiZzAOKuaboAa-QyaEHh4X08HiF8eDPzwEIBBABIPT06BgoCmC7trGD0AqgAaXjlP8DyAEHqQKLDw-_JBe4PqoEJk_Q1DId_nnZF9-OZJ7V1SHaFmrJxitP_wgnlaX_ec901h9doqv8gAWz-P4YwAUFiAYBoAYm2AYEgAfDnGuIBwGQBwKoB6a-G9gHAeASsNKBgYaCr7WHAQ&ohost=www.google.co.uk&cid=CAESIeD21Q1DTkHtpH45J1zaBPILLh_VRH3pefH4vtxAnZ7R2g&sig=AOD64_16zEm7Gb3cvlCzcKKgw8bgsmJWSg&ctype=5&clui=2&q=&ved=0ahUKEwi-h476x4fLAhXJQBQKHdF1AQoQwg8IHQ&adurl=http://www.towsure.com/truma-ultraflow-mains-waterline%3Fcatargetid%3D520002630000002094%26cadevice%3Dt
Mar 14, 2005
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Gabsgrandad said:
Not strictly true as even with the float system if you get an internal leak your van pump will detect that pressur drop and keep pumping until told to stop. and of course your mains filler will be keeping your bottle topped up on the float. There's no 100% system.

HI Gabs,
You are correct, but there is less risk of an internal leak developing from just using the caravans pump, than if the mains pressure reducer fails, which will definitely cause a failure somewhere in the system.

I should add that I know when Carver introduced the Waterline mains system, in the first year only two units were reported as having caused blown internal pipes.


Mar 17, 2007
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Thank you everyone. My thought was to stick with what we have got, even if it is a less elegant method. Off to the NEC next week and wanted to be sure in case temptation strikes.
Feb 9, 2009
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Just back from a serviced pitch and use the direct into the van system which I have used for a number years.
If not on a service pitch we take 2 aqua rolls and a waste master so the saving on space during travelling is a lot.
Only downside was that whilst away the standpipe and grey water pipes froze overnight but I supose that could happen on a non serviced pitch. The second night I covered the stand pipe and disconnected the grey water pipe and neither froze
Nov 6, 2006
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I used the Whale Aquasource system on our old van whenever possible for over 14 years and never had an issue. The plumbing in the van is never at mains pressure, as the system uses a pressure reducing valve. The naysayers will have you believe it is always in imminent danger of failure but I have never heard of this.

The one drawback is that because of the way this valve operates, the flow rate is reduced as I and others have noticed. Consequently, its most effective use is use it to fill the onboard tank, using that as normal and simply turn the pitch service tap off until another fill is required.


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