F.A.O. John Re. D.F.D.S. - Annecy

Oct 26, 2006
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Hi Mike - sorry for the confusion, but although I now use DFDS, we haven't used it for a trip to Annecy yet (but it won't be too long!). In the past, when we've travelled via Dunkirk or Calais going East, we usually stay at Camping Mamer in Luxembourg (see my Saarlouis post for details) I don't know how that would pan out from Ijmuiden and also depends on how far you want to travel in a day, I suppose. Going to Annecy from Dunkirk, we have almost always stopped at the municipal site at Neufchateau 88300 as we usually avoid toll motorways.

John M
Feb 17, 2007
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Thanks for that John,

We plan to stop at Kockelscheuer outside Luxembourg city then Hautorielle near Bannes ( been to both sites before )so that we can spend time sightseeing in both areas. This year we plan to return via Roche en Ardennes instead of Luxembourg. We prefer D.F.D.S. any time. Saves the hack south and the turmoil of the channel crossing and I find distances on continental motorways easier to do than on ours.

Mike E


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