F.A.O. Navman

Jan 2, 2006
Navman I understand you are a trucker (or at least I think that was what Diane called you)so just wondered if you had any info on a type of truck I saw today.It was carrying two twenty foot containers but had eight axles and was rigid not an artic but appeared to be a rigid with a draw bar trailer that locked on the back making the whole thing rigid.I have never seen one before or could see what the benefit was over a draw bar outfit.Any thoughts purely out of interest.
Aug 31, 2007
plotter, if i think it is the one i saw today, i belive it is adjustable for carrying different size containers
Jan 2, 2006
This was clearly a rigid lorry to take a 20 foot container and the back was a 'trailor' but completely close coupled to form a rigid carrying 2 twenty foot containers hence this was a very long rigid vehicle so must have been over 40 foot,is this legal?It was Brit registered and had what appeared to be hydraulic gear to fasten the two halves together.At that length must be a handfull on corners but I still fail to see why this configuration and not just the normal draw bar,equally why 8 axles?
Jan 2, 2006
Navman sorry forgot to say that the way it was set up it looked that there was twistlocks that meant it had to be only two 20 foot containers and would not even take one 40 foot.
May 29, 2007
Mr.P, Glad you got more sense out of him than i did! When i asked, He told me that the driver was only learning and they were the stablelizers to stop him falling off!!!!
Jan 2, 2006
Diane,can you confirm that I am correct that it was a trucker you called him.Having in a past life spent 9 years financing lorries via the RHA and FTA I thought I had seen all the types of lorries going but this was a real strange one.It occurs to me that maybe it was transporting Kenco.
Aug 31, 2007
Diane,can you confirm that I am correct that it was a trucker you called him.Having in a past life spent 9 years financing lorries via the RHA and FTA I thought I had seen all the types of lorries going but this was a real strange one.It occurs to me that maybe it was transporting Kenco.
the lorry you swa is adjustable to carry different size containers eg twenty, thirty and forty foot containers and is pulled by a tractor unit. frank, the army ones you refer to are four axle rigids hook loaders similar to the skip loaders the council use.
May 29, 2007
i don't know what size verhicle he is driving! As long as it stays in the depo and not on our already bursting drive way Thats fine. I know yesterday he was driving the lorry and this morning he was in a merc van, what he was driving this afternoon i could'nt tell you as i have'nt seen him since last night! I was on lates and he started at 05:30 I went to work at 14:00 and he got home at 17:00.... I got home at 22:30 and he is sound asleep as he is in work at.... you guessed it 05:30! me? i am day off. Painting the fence and sorting out the garden.
Mar 14, 2005
That's what I like - a woman who knows her true station in life. There is more to being a house wife than just cooking, cleaning, washing and ironing. There is the garden to tend to, external and internal painting and decorating. walking the dog(s), looking after the children, etc., etc.
Jan 2, 2006
Navman,it was totally rigid with the two halfs linked forming one non articulated vehicle,the prime mover was not a tractor unit,no fofth wheeel but a rigid lorry in tis own right.
Jul 18, 2006
That's what I like - a woman who knows her true station in life. There is more to being a house wife than just cooking, cleaning, washing and ironing. There is the garden to tend to, external and internal painting and decorating. walking the dog(s), looking after the children, etc., etc.
Oooooo are you going to accept that Diane ....

Colin forgot moaning :) LOL

Sorry :)
May 29, 2007
Well its like this, If i want the job done properly and i want it to last, then i do it myself! It,s called being an independent woman. Navman is there to keep me happy and to look pretty! LOL. If he reads this i will have to hide! lol!


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