Fao. LB.

May 29, 2007
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I hope that i have not offended you as i have the greatest respect for abulance men/women, as i do for the fire brigade and nurses. Even though Frank makes me laugh, i do not support his views and as you know i have my own.

Just wanted to say sorry if i have offended you.
Jan 19, 2008
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No problem Diane ;O)

It's not the fact that he calls me names like camel or van driver, that's just childish, it's the fact of how he denegrates everyone no matter what, and people like nurses, who aren't on this Forum, have no chance of answering back, neither does the dead female prison officer who was sexually attacked according to Frank.

I think I have a great sense of humour, I wouldn't pick the nic I have if I hadn't but I fail to see hardly anything funny in Franks postings but I'm pleased that someone does, at least it will keep him happy ...... hehheh! :O)


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