I concur with his Lordship.Hi Ann, it's a long story but I have my reasons or maybe I should say reason :O)
Lots went on what others didn't know about Ann, things in the Chat Room, PMs and MSN Messenger. I got fed up of the blatant lies (off one person) and accusations which thankfully were proved to be lies. It was because of two peoples honesty that I could help prove they were lies and because one of those people is now banned from the forum I felt that I should at least try and mediate with them and Gary but that didn't work. I now feel that I should at least show a bit of loyalty to that person and stay away myself.
To be honest Ann, it's only a forum, and I can be doing without all that crap that went on there in the last couple of days.
I hope that helps to clear things up but there are others for their own reasons who don't go there now.
Why do you think the Nutters Box went and was replaced by the Chat Room?Hi Ann, it's a long story but I have my reasons or maybe I should say reason :O)
Lots went on what others didn't know about Ann, things in the Chat Room, PMs and MSN Messenger. I got fed up of the blatant lies (off one person) and accusations which thankfully were proved to be lies. It was because of two peoples honesty that I could help prove they were lies and because one of those people is now banned from the forum I felt that I should at least try and mediate with them and Gary but that didn't work. I now feel that I should at least show a bit of loyalty to that person and stay away myself.
To be honest Ann, it's only a forum, and I can be doing without all that crap that went on there in the last couple of days.
I hope that helps to clear things up but there are others for their own reasons who don't go there now.
Was not part of the Forum then, but saw number of posts that members would not like to have seen about themselves in the chat box!Why do you think the Nutters Box went and was replaced by the Chat Room?
Because anyone could log in the following day and read the Nutter Box chat from the Homepage, even what had been said the day before :O)
I'm not blaming Gary for changing over though because that is what some had asked for.
Was not part of the Forum then, but saw number of posts that members would not like to have seen about themselves in the chat box!Hi Ann, it's a long story but I have my reasons or maybe I should say reason :O)
Lots went on what others didn't know about Ann, things in the Chat Room, PMs and MSN Messenger. I got fed up of the blatant lies (off one person) and accusations which thankfully were proved to be lies. It was because of two peoples honesty that I could help prove they were lies and because one of those people is now banned from the forum I felt that I should at least try and mediate with them and Gary but that didn't work. I now feel that I should at least show a bit of loyalty to that person and stay away myself.
To be honest Ann, it's only a forum, and I can be doing without all that crap that went on there in the last couple of days.
I hope that helps to clear things up but there are others for their own reasons who don't go there now.
VERY scarey. I can't stand liars.Hehheh! Lisa :OP
I will give my parents credit, they did instill in me principles and only those who have them will know what I mean. If I can't show loyalty or honesty to anyone who has shown it to me and I went against them I couldn't live with myself.
I wont bore you with the fine details but just before I finished work I was involved in an incident. A work colleague X reported another (my crew mate). I supported my crew mate and the incident was so serious we got suspended including the colleague who had complained. Colleague X then told blatant lies about me although I had originally nothing to do with the matter. They then let colleague X go back to work and used him as a witness against us in the allegations.
At the Disiplinary Hearing it wasn't hard to prove that colleague X was a liar but the corrupt management we had at that time wanted to make an example of someone. I say corrupt because they were investigated by the NHS at the governments insistence and were so annually for the next few years.
It was touch and go but we kept our jobs. When talking to another colleague about colleague X he said "Don't worry, the good Lord doesn't pay all his debts in little green apples". I pondered this for awhile. Within 12 months colleague X had an heart attack and dropped dead, he was 41 years old.
I then understood what my mate had meant. Scarey heh what?
p.s. What my parents failed to instill in me is forgiveness which is another good trait to have. So in colleague X's case I never went to his funeral. I would have been tempted to pee on his grave though if he hadn't been cremated.Hehheh! Lisa :OP
I will give my parents credit, they did instill in me principles and only those who have them will know what I mean. If I can't show loyalty or honesty to anyone who has shown it to me and I went against them I couldn't live with myself.
I wont bore you with the fine details but just before I finished work I was involved in an incident. A work colleague X reported another (my crew mate). I supported my crew mate and the incident was so serious we got suspended including the colleague who had complained. Colleague X then told blatant lies about me although I had originally nothing to do with the matter. They then let colleague X go back to work and used him as a witness against us in the allegations.
At the Disiplinary Hearing it wasn't hard to prove that colleague X was a liar but the corrupt management we had at that time wanted to make an example of someone. I say corrupt because they were investigated by the NHS at the governments insistence and were so annually for the next few years.
It was touch and go but we kept our jobs. When talking to another colleague about colleague X he said "Don't worry, the good Lord doesn't pay all his debts in little green apples". I pondered this for awhile. Within 12 months colleague X had an heart attack and dropped dead, he was 41 years old.
I then understood what my mate had meant. Scarey heh what?
True Emmo .... bouquet for Ann :O)Ann, as Lord B has said, some of us choose not to use the other forum, although as I've not been banned I do look in sometimes. I won't post on there though, just in case anything gets twisted round again. Like LB, my loyalties lie with my friends on here, but that doesn't mean we won't still love you if you post on both!
Probably so! Alas I am no techie either!Hi Ann
I'm not sure why you thought no one had posted in the CoC forum since the previous evening as I have checked the forum several times today and their has been a number of postings all through the day including some of my own. It could be your computer hasn't 'refreshed' properly, but I'm no expert.
Or was I banned and didn't get the message! AnnHi Ann
I'm not sure why you thought no one had posted in the CoC forum since the previous evening as I have checked the forum several times today and their has been a number of postings all through the day including some of my own. It could be your computer hasn't 'refreshed' properly, but I'm no expert.
ooo errr. never thought of that. I didn't receive any emails one way or the other when it all exploded last week so don't really know what happened when everthing went pear shaped. It doesn't matter anyway I'm more than happy to post on either forum.Or was I banned and didn't get the message! Ann