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Mar 14, 2005
Hi Ann

Of course you haven't upset me in any way shape or form, I've re-read your post a couple of times and there's nothing in there to upset anyone. (smiley icon thingy).

We all rushed over to the other forum and it was great for a while but then things went downhill quickly. I've never fancied being part of a hareem anyway, not my cup of tea. LOL!!

Lisa xxx
Jan 19, 2008
f I can add, the person told the three sets of lies with the sole intention of trying to get me banned. By a twist of fate with the forum shutting down and re-opening she has achieved her aim but not from me being banned but from my personal choice of not returning :O)

Lord B,'SHE' did not tell a pack of lies, this i know because 'SHE' is my wife. I have seen these posts and want to know if you want to call me a liar as well. But there, anybody can be brave behind a keyboard!
Quote .. "Lord B,'SHE' did not tell a pack of lies, this i know because 'SHE' is my wife".

Yes, I know who she is Navman and I applied my accusations to yourself in the other forum as you saw. Gary is still waiting for the emails and so am I ;O)

Again I agree, lots of big men behind keyboards making accusations.

The lies were accusing me of sending her nasty emails and you finding her in a "distressed state", me being someone else hiding, and saying another person and herself would leave the forum if I wasn't banned.

Unlike yourself Navman I have all the emails and PMs but whats more, I had no need to lie.

Like I said earlier, it's a forum and we live in a democracy so I don't have to spend online time with the people I don't want to.


I agree with Essexeddie. The same lot who are complaining so much about being 'mistreated' are the same lot who moved heaven and earth to maltreat this Forum,, does make you wonder I suppose.

I probably suspect there are many sides to the story, whatever it was, and wonder if at the end of the day it is even worth bothering about. It is not as if there are not more important things in the world to worry about than some people's 'ruffled feathers'.

However, if it reduces the amount of 'twaddle' then possibly a blessing in disguise.
Jan 19, 2008
It seems everybody is knocking the other Forum. But a Forum is only as good as the people posting.

Strange that not long ago people left this forum in a rush to the other side, and slated this one. Now its all change back again. I'll wager that it wont be long before another eruption.

Nothing as queer as folk!!

I don't know if that was referring to me Eddie but if so I haven't knocked the other forum. I answered Anns post why I wasn't there, my own personal reason.

The only part I did mention was the Chat Room and I said that Gary put it there to comply with others wishes. Theres no reason why people can't use both forums. It's just that some are banned and others have their own reasons for not using it which they've posted in the past I believe.
Jan 19, 2008
SL, I've just read through this thread again and I can't see where anyone said they were "mistreated". I haven't even heard the people who have been banned say that.

In my own instance Gary asked if I was going back. We had a long talk in emails and I declined giving Gary the reasons why. There was no animosity and I've wished Gary well more than once with the forum. And again, not for the first time but will say it again, Gary treated me fairly and again I wish him well.

There shouldn't be any reason why people can't use both forums. For Christ's sake it's about caravanning, not them and us.

For the record I didn't go straight to DAT, I waited about 4 weeks before joining although afterwards I continued to post on threads here if it was of interest to me.


Nov 12, 2009
I don't want to hijack the thread or add any fuel to any flames that might be smouldering. I don't really know what happened between members of the other forum for sure, its just a shame the way things have turned out. I post on th CoC forum as Parksy and I've made a couple of posts on there during the course of the day. It does seem quiet on there sometimes now because some of the major contributors no longer go there or are no longer members, and I come on here to read their posts nowadays. I've posted on here for longer than CoC has existed, but some of us have to be the 'audience', not all of us have the lightning wit of Lord Brakewynd or the intelligence of LMH and so post now and then but leave centre stage for the main 'players' to amuse us, or at least just me. It's no good posting on CoC forum while everybody else is working, shopping or otherwise engaged so its going to be quiet now and then. I'm not one for the chatroom myself, I just go in very rarely to say hello, and a lot of what would otherwise be posted on the open forum as banter probably stays in there, whereas on this forum it's posted in the various threads.

People have their reasons why they post on one site or another but I do hope that we're not going to fall into the trap of becoming two camps. I post as Parksy on another two caravanning forums besides this one and CoC so if one site or another goes quiet as they all do sometimes I either look somewhere else or get in the domestic good books with household chores.


Mar 14, 2005
Hey Parksy

Thanks for that, anytime you're in Notts, call round for Cava and strawberries. LOL!

But beware, 'dangerous' Gaylords live on the premises. (Hypothetical scenario of course).

Lisa (ex LMH Stafford Gal)xx
Mar 14, 2005
There appears to be discontent on this posting and misapprehension regarding contributors leaving here for the other forum and then returning. I am one of those persons who went over the other side and have now returned.

Many months ago I felt that there were certain contributors to this forum who were out to upset the status quo and like a fool I fell for it and was offended by some responses to my posting. At this point I vowed never to post on here again. The new forum was set up and I joined but became very annoyed at the "crudity" and "vulgarity" on there, especially as there were females regularly posting on there. I can tell a joke and accept one but the problem was with the language used. I made issue of this and I was taken to task. Also I did upset a fellow contributor with my "sense" of humour and I apologised to him personally and aslo publicly on the forum. He was a gentleman who accepted my apology and hopefully we are still friends as I do not wish to upset any person. However following this I received e-mails from others which caused me great offence and I then decided that I would eat humble pie and return to this forum and not bother with the other. To this day I have not reappeared on that forum although to the best of my knowledge I have not been banned.

Regarding the ladies on the forum I see some are posting on here. One lady in particular my wife and I know personally as we often meet in town and we get on very well with a friendly atmosphere. There is usual general chat and also what ladies generally find to talk about. There has never been any mention of the forums or the problems associated.

Therefore as far as I am concerned the other forum is dead and buried and I will continue to contribute here as and when I see fit and the mods. don't ban me LOL (only joking Mr. Mods.) and hopefully normality will resume on this forum without any bitter repercussions between contributers.


Nov 12, 2009
Hey Parksy

Thanks for that, anytime you're in Notts, call round for Cava and strawberries. LOL!

But beware, 'dangerous' Gaylords live on the premises. (Hypothetical scenario of course).

Lisa (ex LMH Stafford Gal)xx
Thanks Lisa, I'd love to. I'll bring the Cava.

I'd be delighted to meet the hypothetical hound of the Baskervilles. I've never met a Staffie that I haven't liked ;)


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