I accept that your query was carefully worded William but this forum consists of a group of strangers who share an interest in caravanning.
We try to remember that we are in mixed company here and I'm positive that you wouldn't go up to a group of perfect strangers, men women and children, on a campsite and ask one of them who you don't know and have never met about intimate details in front of his wife, family and friends. Have you ever watched Eric Idle in the 'nudge nudge' sketch on Monty Python? :0)
It's not unhealthy to try and keep the Practical Caravan forum aside from the very many internet sites where they 'let it all hang out' figuratively speaking. It's not that we're trying to hide anything but it's not strictly necessary for the subject which has piqued your curiosity to invade every single aspect of our lives. Still, no harm done, but the least that I can do is to try to explain the reasoning behind actions that I've taken even though you may not agree with me.