FAO Valerie

Dec 9, 2007
Before we were so rudely interupted.....

Sorry to hear about the faults with your van.But,as you say, at least the micro's staying put.

Ours is just about perfect - well, when I say perfect....

Apart from the kitchen tap coming loose and dancing all over the worktop.

Apart from the water pressure switch going on the blink and burning out the pump.

Apart from the Status aerial signal booster packing in.

Apart from the shower cubicle leaking.

Apart from the laminate coming off the top of the cutlery drawer.

Apart from the....I could go on.

Just as well we bought a quality caravan like a Coachman eh!

It's in at the dealers again as we type.

Anyway, we leave the micro in the cupboard now - no modification.

If it falls out,it falls out - past caring.

Hope you get yours sorted out soon.

Feb 24, 2008
Oh, No!!!!!

What a shame, our faults are:

You already know about the prob with the main door literally falling off on our first time out.

The bottom of the drinks locker is unsupported in one corner

The heiki over the bed has a broken bit on it where the strut is snapped in and it hasn't been sealed properly - the sealant can be removed and put back again.

The wardrobe door is on wonky and rattles constantly.

The toilet cassette locker cannot be locked.

The outside locker under the bed also swings open as we are going along on occasion and people bib us to let us know.

The drawers over the fire and under the wardrobe have no end stops and fall out when travelling.

The clock is about as much good as .....well, I'd probably get that bit edited out.

Ours is going back in a couple of weeks - it seems we got the friday afternoon model and you got the monday morning ******!

All said, we wouldn't change it, sits solid in heavy winds and rain, cosy and snug and we really do enjoy our times away. Its everything we wanted.

I don't know anyone who has bought a brand new van with no teething problems. We get on well with the new wheel lock thingy too which has saved a lot of gray hairs.

Anyway, I'm sure once all this is sorted we'll be well on our way to many happy years caravanning, we're certainly going to keep ours for a while!

Bye for now.

Mar 14, 2005
Hi Valerie,

Look on the bright side, if you take the battery out of the clock it will at least be accurate twice a day!

Hope it all gets sorted for you very soon

Cheers, I'm off for another glass of bubbly - have one your selves.
Mar 14, 2005
valerie /dave and dee,

Your problems are grim , what van do you have that is causing so much trouble ? Col
Dec 9, 2007
Hi Col.

Both Val and ourselves have bought brand new Coachman vans.

Ours is a Laser 650/4, bought because a) the layout fitted our reqirements and b) the Coachman name for quality.

The latter has been something of a let down.

But like Val's van, ours is solid,comfortable and generally does the job well and we wouldn't swap ours either.

What it boils down to is this,Col: When you pay close on 20k,you don't expect this number of faults and to have to keep taking it back to the dealer for repair.

Still,like John L says, we'll pour another glass of something wet and cold and wait for the next off.

Cheers, Dave
May 29, 2008
Hi Col.

Both Val and ourselves have bought brand new Coachman vans.

Ours is a Laser 650/4, bought because a) the layout fitted our reqirements and b) the Coachman name for quality.

The latter has been something of a let down.

But like Val's van, ours is solid,comfortable and generally does the job well and we wouldn't swap ours either.

What it boils down to is this,Col: When you pay close on 20k,you don't expect this number of faults and to have to keep taking it back to the dealer for repair.

Still,like John L says, we'll pour another glass of something wet and cold and wait for the next off.

Cheers, Dave
only just seen these postings so sorry for joining in late....but we bought a brand new coachman VIP 535/4 and as we had already mentioned to Val, our problems are numerous but aggravating for our 18k we spent.

We too love the caravan but hope one day to be sitting pretty drinking our champagne (we are saving it for the day when we have no problems with the van!)......hope we dont have to wait too long! We are waiting for Coachman to let us know what they intend to do about the major problem with water not draining from the shower tray.....as well as all the other irritating things.....and as for Wandahome who sold us the van,,,,,,well they have become the stereo typical company who once they have your money.........need I say more!


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