Fleetwood Garland Electrical Panel Spares ?

Nov 12, 2007
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I have a Fleetwood Garland 185 E/B which has a Plug In Systems electrical distribution board. I need to obtain a new, or working secondhand, circuit board as I am unable to run the 12v system and an electronics friend has found fault with this board.

Plug In Systems no longer exists as such and is now owned by Bonus Plug In Systems and they have no spares. Can anyone suggest a source of spare parts, has anyone else experienced a similar problem. I cannot believe a caravan that is only 10yrs old is effectively worthless due to a lack of spares.

Any help gratefully accepted.
Jul 15, 2005
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There are at least three levels of repair:

1. You have a friend who has some knowledge of electronics - if they are willing it's a simple task to identify the faulty component (resistor, diode or whatever it is) and buy a replacement from Maplin or Farnel

2. Source a spare board or a complete module from a caravan breakers. If you are going for a replacement - then the newer the better. A search with Google should identify the breakers.

3. Buy a new, complete power system from one of the current makers.



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