floor covering on hardstandings

Mar 14, 2005
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Hmm, not sure why you would need breathable ground sheet for hard-standing.

We use a breathable one, on top of the standard one regardless of the pitch is it keeps inside dry and soft underfoot.
May 25, 2005
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Although I have never tried this - I have been advised to use cardboard which can then be covered by your groundsheet. This was advised when using a 'seasonal pitch' by the owners of the site!
Mar 14, 2005
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Although I have never tried this - I have been advised to use cardboard which can then be covered by your groundsheet. This was advised when using a 'seasonal pitch' by the owners of the site!
cardboard,wouldn't like to be the one to clear that up after a damp weekend or more
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Sian

We use a breathable on all surfaces, gravel, grass, soil, anything you like. They're very tough and shouldn't tear. We use chairs and tables on top of it on gravel pitches and have never had a problem. You can get various grades, so possibly avoid thinner cheaper ones.

Can't really see the point of putting a breathable over a none breathable groundsheet or other material, this would rather defeat the object, other than you'd get more padding under foot. The idea of a breathable on a grass pitch is so that you don't kill the grass. We lift ours after a week and can hardly see where it's been. Anyway, why carry two around instead of just the one.

Nah, we find a breathable is good on any pitch, and as you don't always know what type of pitch you'll end up on, it's easier just to bring the one.


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