Football isn't coming home!

Oct 9, 2010
2018 and 2022 World Cup comp's going to Russia and Qatar.
After Iraq and Afganstan I can't see the UK getting any big sporting events in the next 50 years. We've not been a popular nation for a long time and now it's worse since the recent wars. Brits abroad do not have a good name and generally we're seen as 5th raters. Is anyone taking bets that 2012 will not be a let down?
In 2012 I think we'll head out of UK and fly a flag of convenience on the caravan and hide our number plates whilst the Olympics are on
Apr 27, 2009
i watched owe bid today & it was fantastic , david cameroon & co were brill made me proud to be English , welldone to russia , had a look on owe world map qatar is no bigger than wales so get your bid in or perhaps the caravan club could bid...hasbo
Dec 14, 2006
So which of you chaps are joining me in a trip to Russia to watch the World Cup? Cut price tickets available here...................!
Nov 25, 2010
I think there will be a lot of happy people here in Australia now that we lost the bid also.
The Sydney Olympics in 2000 has a been a sore point with a lot of us - we are still paying for it 10 years on and will do for many years to come.
We are a nation that love sport of any kind, but we've got a lot of problems that need fixing before spending billions on sporting events.
Oct 9, 2010
It's saved the UK a fortune, I wondered if Abramovich and Russia would take th 2012 Olympics off of us

I think the UK bid today was blown as soon as they put Beckham and the Windsor/Wales boy in there.
Jan 19, 2008
As a patriotic Englishman who loves international football, especially if England do well but not sure how long I've got left for that to happen, I'm glad that we didn't win it.
Winning doesn't come into it anyway. It doesn't matter how much call me Dave, Wills or Becks sucked up to them, the decision was cut and dried ages ago. This is why the arrogant Putin, Head of the Russian mafia, didn't bother to attend despite the fact of him saying he didn't attend because the English media were being nasty to those nice FIFA committee members which he found upsetting
He soon jumped on a plane when the result was announced. Not very convincing at all.
How many cities do Qatar have that can hold internationals? How long have they been a footballing nation?
No, the Russian oligarchs and the oil rich arabs have let their money do the talking which gives even more credence to Panorama's claims of corruption.
Better still, by not having the cup here doesn't give an opportunity for people to come here and refuse to go home so yes, Panorama and the Sunday Times did us all a favour because at least they will now have to qualify which will lessen the chances of me having to watch them lose to either the Germans or Argentinians on penalties yet again
Jun 8, 2010
Also glad that the Russians have it but won't make any cretinous comments about our Royalty or best behaved footballer causing us to lose it.
Oct 9, 2010
People in other countries are not influneced by lightweight posho toffs because they have a title and Beckham is an over the hill scruffy looking footballer who lamely lisped his way through the presentation.
I seem to remember Beckham lashing out and getting sent off in one world cup and and Rebecca Loos, I'm not so sure as to how he is our best behaved footballer. I think that cap would fit Lineker better.
We still have the prestige and prestigious players from 1966.
An impassioned presentation from them would have carried more weight in the football world than that of a world cup failure and a nepotic chopper pilot. In the real wider world it would be "cretinous" to believe that two lightweights would influence FIFA delegates.
Nov 6, 2005
The only reason we wanted to host the World Cup is we would then get automatic qualification.
We seem to be getting worse? by 2018 who knows what we will be like?
Qatar is high risk as all stadia will have to be built, they will play indooors as the temp will be in its 40's.
Jan 19, 2008
OmOnWeelz said:
People in other countries are not influneced by lightweight posho toffs because they have a title and Beckham is an over the hill scruffy looking footballer who lamely lisped his way through the presentation.
I seem to remember Beckham lashing out and getting sent off in one world cup and and Rebecca Loos, I'm not so sure as to how he is our best behaved footballer. I think that cap would fit Lineker better.
We still have the prestige and prestigious players from 1966.
An impassioned presentation from them would have carried more weight in the football world than that of a world cup failure and a nepotic chopper pilot. In the real wider world it would be "cretinous" to believe that two lightweights would influence FIFA delegates.

I'm not sure how by slagging off Becks and Wills answers the reason why we lost and Russia won Om

Are you saying they are as corrupt or even more corrupt than Putin and FIFA?
I realise that Russia is supposed to be a Socialist Republic, the road you would like to see this country take, but I wouldn't think any of those representing England have mafia connections or even corruption. Rather than vent my wrath about an incident in 1998, where Beckham retaliated by kicking the Argie Simeone, I would rather vent my wrath at the corruption within private clubs like FIFA, EUFA and the unelected Eurocrats. This is happening today, not 12 years ago.
Jun 20, 2005
Our Heir Apparent, PM and Beckers did an excellent presentation and even Beckers was articulate and convinced me the 2018 World Cup should be in England.

We have the infrastructure superb training grounds, stadia, and more importantly a population who love football and would have attended numerous matches whether England were playing or not.

Putin knew Russia was the winner. I heard somewhere on monday FIFA wanted another South Africa so that meant we were out.
The hard fact of life is the English supporters and their football are not liked world wide because of our perceived arrogance , we know best etc. Well imo that is cr*p but clearly Sepp Splatter and his cronies dislike us and have the power to rub our noses in it yet again.

I cannot understand these Europeans who willingly take our EU monies and then slag us off.
I can only hope that whoever our England manager is for the 2018 tornament he has the chance and ability to select and guide a world winning team. To win would be the absolute stick it up your ar$e to Sepp and his FIFA wallies.

Quatar? Give me strength. They will havve to build at least 8 stadia etc. It's a tiny country barely the size of Wales!

Prince William and David Cameron are Aston Villa supporters and love their football. I wonder what Mr Putin thinks of his football? Does he support Chelsea
Jul 31, 2010
Prince William and David Cameron are Aston Villa supporters and love their football.

Maybe they could comment on the crowd disorder at the Last Villa match and it's effect on FIFAs thinking. As far as the world cup bid is concerned, this decision was bought and paid for months ago, nothing printed in British newspapers or the Panorama programme had any effect at all.

Steve W
Nov 6, 2005
The crowd trouble the other night was caused by the Birmingham City fans running onto the pitch and provoking the Villa fans,the flares thrown were from the City fans and Villa fans being the polite fans that they are gave them back.
Agreed they should grow up but derbies can be nasty and it only takes a few who are looking for trouble.
Jun 20, 2005
Unfortunately Steve derbies seeem to bring the worst out in some supporters, the minority, but still unacceptable behaviour.
I agree the decision was made long ago so you wonder why Sepp and his cronies allow countires like us to waste a reported £50 million on a bid that was dead in the water before it started?
Feb 16, 2009
This was cut and dried by the corrupt FIFA officials weeks ago of whoom Sep Blatter is the head, hence Putin not bothering to turn up, everyone knows that its being going on for donkies years with corrupt officials abroad even in buisness. How Blatter can stay at is post l don't know, he must think he's invicible, just wait a bit it will all come out in the wash, you don't think fleetstreet are going to let this one rest, bound have more dirt to throw yet, can't wait won't bother me l will never see a world cup on my own soil in my life time thanks to those FIFA puppets.
Come on England.
Jan 19, 2008
I've just been reading about the voting.
Apparently if any government in the world isn't happy about FIFA and investigates it through official government channels their national football team will be automatically suspended. They couldn't punish England by suspending them because it was the media who investigated them so they did the next best thing. This really sums them up. Corruption runs rife from top to bottom.


So they only received 2 votes and were knocked out in the 1st round. Maybe that will tell them that just throwing in a royal and an ex captain is not really sufficient when you are up against energy giants with lots of 'woodga'. When it is choice between keeping the lights on in your country, or a big bung in your back pocket or the thought of a holiday in overcrowded London, well there is no choice.

However, maybe everybody should look on the bright side. England are playing host to the Olympics and that will probably cost us all far more than anyone has yet dared to suggest. The Aussies are delighted they lost out as they are still paying off their Olympics bill 10 years on. So avoiding a second highly expensive PR exercise just so a lot of has-been celebrities can make themselves feel good is possibly a good thing. Plus if I may state with Scottish tongue in cheek. Lightning does not usually strike twice so after 1966………..? the chances of actually winning the thing are about as high as a pair of Beckham’s underpants being seen bearing an M&S label, or were those Posh’s again???

Also it avoids us having to accommodate all the ‘fans’ who would probably arrive, and never leave again. There will be enough of them in 2012. No excuse for them to hang around now.

We should however have some sympathy for Qatar. After all they did the USA of out of the next Cup in 2022 and we all know what happens to people and countries that ‘upset’ the Yanks., don’t we? LB has mentioned they do not have stadia. They probably don’t need them as they can use the ones they own here, can’t they?

Of course now the hard bit starts. Actually qualifying for the Cup wherever it is being held, and as a Scot that is usually extremely painful for us to watch. There will be some real optimists (read ‘numpties’) in Scotland who have already looked at flights to Russia. Only hope they include a cancellation clause.

Mind you England does have a small way of getting revenge. I gather that 30% of all tv revenues for a world cup comes from the UK, so if nobody watched the thing, then Sebb Blutered and Co would feel the pinch.
Sep 24, 2010
I'm glad I'm not the only one who is really pleased we have not been saddled with the ruinous responsibility of hosting this particular party. I enjoy a good game of football, but I can't remember the last time I felt really good about the England players and their abilities. They're overpaid and they under-perform - but they still think they're God's gift and should be awarded this dubious 2018 honour as a matter of right.
For those who say it is a lost opportunity for the country to make millions, I say that we have managed quite nicely since 1966 without hosting a World Cup and I am sure we will get by OK without hosting one in 2018. Even the Olympics in 2012 are ludicrously expensive for what we will get - two weeks of games, and then a load of facilities gathering dust. Coe and co shamelessly undercosted our bid to get their way - so the English can't claim to be whiter than white over their tactics either.
So far as the actual decision is concerned, it's hardly surprising the Fifa people went for Russia - they're all one of the same kind and it's pretty obvious they'd all rather stay in the same beds together.#
Yes, in case it's not obvious, I've really had it with top flight soccer and all involved with it...!
Oct 9, 2010
I agree with Collin's view.
It would be stupid to believe that those voting for the WC hosting would hold an on field incident against Beckham, The FA is said to have spent around £15 million on their bid. When you spend that kind of money Beckham an Wills do not have the weight or presence to make the difference that could swing delegates votes if that could have made a difference,
Beckham and Wills said they were lead to believe they were in with a good chance, if that is correct it shows just how much respect FIFA members have for them.
Qatar's bid also promissed to dismantle stadiums after the 22 comp and donate and rebuild them in 3rd world countries. Now that's the kind of generous bid that really gains votes.
Apr 27, 2009
i wonder what the good people of russia & qatar are doing sunday morning , not watching grassroots football like thousands & thousands of english mums , dads ,grandparents & friends will be doing even this snowyweekend if they could , my son has played this type of football since he was 5 now at 18 i can prouldly say he plays semi-pro , but the best thing is that it keeps him & many others of the street , i bet that not a lot of people on this forum know about grassroots football , &how well organised football is in this land from grassroots to the prem...fifa should have been begging us to hold the 2018 finals
Jan 19, 2008
OmOnWeelz said:
Qatar's bid also promissed to dismantle stadiums after the 22 comp and donate and rebuild them in 3rd world countries. Now that's the kind of generous bid that really gains votes.

I wonder what makes them think they'll still be a sovereign country in 2022?
By then, they, Saudi Arabia and the rest of the gulf states will probably be part of the new Persian empire
Sep 24, 2010
What a wonderful tribute to our true football enthusiasts Hasbo. You're absolutely right, but the trouble is that the game you and I know and love has been hijacked by ruthless, greedy, selfish parasites who only think of lining their own pockets. Rooney is an obvious case in point but the World Cup carve up takes things to a new low. Don't expect any contrition or regret from the Fifa Mafia. They know which side their bread is buttered; they know which countries will continue to line their pockets - and they've just wrapped up eight more years on the gravy train.
Why do we play along? Why would we want to put on, and pay for, their lavish jamboree? Let their cronies with lots of money and no scruples do it. OK, we can go along and play the game, but as far as I am concerned that's as far as it need go with this lot running the show. Even then, don't suppose we'll be in it for long, given our hapless performances of late. Like Hasbo, I enjoy grass roots football and that's why you'll find me on the touchlines of the lowly Zamaretto League these days - where the lads really enjoy their footie with little financial reward.
And finally I'm amazed that people knock the BBC and the Sunday Times for trying to tell people what is going on. If ever there was a case where people needed to know the facts, then surely it was on this one. If they had held off until after the decision - which in the event mattered not a jot - then they would have been as bad as everyone else in trying to manipulate the outcome.
Oct 9, 2010
Lord Braykewynde said:
I wonder what makes them think they'll still be a sovereign country in 2022?
By then, they, Saudi Arabia and the rest of the gulf states will probably be part of the new Persian empire

Qatar is said to be the wealthiest of the Arab states and they bail out Dubai and the Saudi's to some degree even though they are a small country. Simple, Money and local pride will keep their independence.


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