2018 and 2022 World Cup comp's going to Russia and Qatar.
After Iraq and Afganstan I can't see the UK getting any big sporting events in the next 50 years. We've not been a popular nation for a long time and now it's worse since the recent wars. Brits abroad do not have a good name and generally we're seen as 5th raters. Is anyone taking bets that 2012 will not be a let down?
In 2012 I think we'll head out of UK and fly a flag of convenience on the caravan and hide our number plates whilst the Olympics are on
After Iraq and Afganstan I can't see the UK getting any big sporting events in the next 50 years. We've not been a popular nation for a long time and now it's worse since the recent wars. Brits abroad do not have a good name and generally we're seen as 5th raters. Is anyone taking bets that 2012 will not be a let down?
In 2012 I think we'll head out of UK and fly a flag of convenience on the caravan and hide our number plates whilst the Olympics are on