Football isn't coming home!

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Nov 12, 2009
Collin said:
And finally I'm amazed that people knock the BBC and the Sunday Times for trying to tell people what is going on. If ever there was a case where people needed to know the facts, then surely it was on this one. If they had held off until after the decision - which in the event mattered not a jot - then they would have been as bad as everyone else in trying to manipulate the outcome.
Of course the Sunday Times which is owned by an English hating Aussie and the BBC which is run by English loathing cosseted fat cats decision to 'tell the people what's going on' had absolutely no bearing on what happened to the bid.
Just the same as the relentless media exposure of England players such as John Terry and Wayne Rooney had no effect at all on how they played in the last World Cup debacle.

The media always go on about the public's 'right to know' and how we are 'intrigued' by evey minute detalil of the personal lives of footballers and 'celebrities' but they stitch us up every single time.
Quite honestly I couldn't give a monkeys about footballers tangled love lives or whether they cheat on their wives or not. I just want them to be good at football, nothing more.
This is why I no longer buy newspapers.
Sep 24, 2010
I understand your cynicism of the British press Parksey, but it is worth remembering that if the Sunday Times and Panorama had not exposed the shady goings on at FIFA - proved or unproved - then we wouldn't be having this discussion because we wouldn't have known about it and we'd all be sitting around rueing the inexplicable way things went against us...
Jun 8, 2010
OmOnWeelz said:
People in other countries are not influneced by lightweight posho toffs because they have a title and Beckham is an over the hill scruffy looking footballer who lamely lisped his way through the presentation.
I seem to remember Beckham lashing out and getting sent off in one world cup and and Rebecca Loos, I'm not so sure as to how he is our best behaved footballer. I think that cap would fit Lineker better.
We still have the prestige and prestigious players from 1966.
An impassioned presentation from them would have carried more weight in the football world than that of a world cup failure and a nepotic chopper pilot. In the real wider world it would be "cretinous" to believe that two lightweights would influence FIFA delegates.

This is exactly what you said in your original post . I rest my case.


From the coverage in the media, based on comments by so called CEO’s of the English Football Association, ‘we wuz robbed’ is the main conclusion., and the comment that ‘we should never bid again unless we will win’ seems a little hypocritical to my mind.

Of course the English FA could easily state that they will not participate in the Russian world cup, after all the USA dropped out of the Moscow Olympics on principle, but then again how many of the FA overpaid ‘loveys’ would miss out on the all expenses paid trips. The various TV organisations will go wherever it is, and spend lots of money having a good time. I am sure ‘wee Willie’ will get a good seat especially if he takes his bird along.

As to whether everybody ‘hates the English’ is another issue altogether and probably based on paranoia. We Scots are always being told ‘we hate the English’ yet we fight battles for them all over the world, and die for them. We prefer to call it ‘sibling rivalry’ and of course we will never forget we were the 1st team to beat England after they won the world cup in 1966. As a very small nation we have to savour every small victory we ever had, especially as we have almost wiped out any home grown talent by removing all sporting facilities.

However, there is no doubt that the English have managed over the last few years to generate a strong feeling in the world that they are in some way downtrodden and are almost masochistic in a desire to be beaten. That has been supported from Government down who apparently feel a need to apologise for every event in history that they may feel has upset someone somewhere, even if the so called victims are long dead and gone. The desire to never cause offence to anyone will never win you friends, merely contempt, as we have seen from the Americans. The BBC has no doubt been a contributory factor in this belief being staffed by personnel whose sole desire has been to denigrate everything good., and praise the trashiest things imaginable. Being funded by direct taxation they have no inclination to do anything otherwise. But of course as they also produce ‘cabbage programmes’ that the great unwashed adore, they will continue. Some may argue that the true English have long left these shores, and are still emigrating, and the number and success of so many of them overseas does seem to suggest that what is left, may not necessarily be the brightest light bulbs left in the street, certainly those of a younger age. Us elder citizens do not have any choice anymore. We cannot talk however, as the biggest Scottish export since the turn of the 20th Century, has been people. However, a study of our technology indicates that there are still successes in this United Kingdom and possibly the sooner all the UK nations start believing in themselves again, then we could see a difference. Of course that would require us all to believe in Britain and its unique culture developed over centuries, not some diverse mish mash of all the worst of everything that emanates from a left wing politburo. That may take a revolution but if that coincides with ‘Corrie’ then I am afraid we can forget it. We have to have our priorities. I noted a young lady today taking part in student protests declaring that tuition fees should not be increased but that ‘defence should be cut instead’. One does wonder if she has ever read any newspaper in recent times, or has she been studying so hard she did not see the real world. The fact that she will also not actually pay any fees seemed also irrelevant to her as long as she could ‘demonstrate’. However, the Beeb felt her input was valuable!!

It is ironic for example, that it will be UK Companies who will build the unique systems to allow the WC to take place in Qatar in normal heat conditions. Now there could be a way to scupper the WC from the inside, but we won’t.

The best thing that the English, and for that matter, the Scots, Welsh and Irish can do is keep quiet, stop caterwauling, build strong teams of proud citizens, who prefer the honour of playing to a big pay cheque and go and win the damn thing wherever it may be played. Start looking at the current youth of 10 - 12 years of age. Encourage and develope any talent that may be present and produce world beating teams. Think that will happen????????? or will Becks stagger out yet again with his Zimmer advertising underwear or perfume and Rooney appearing probably with another hooker and complaining he is 'tired' and needs a holiday.

I have no idea what I will be doing in either 2018 or 2022 but hope to be alive and enjoying life somewhere.
Oct 9, 2010
As much as I couldn't give a fig about football, my son also played football and rugby from the age of 5 and restarted our local village team when he was 15, he played semi pro soccer whilst at Uni after he dropped a chance to take up a Rugby accademy place. Sadly he was injured by a Saturday league thug 3 years ago who deliberately fouled him making a large hole in his leg. He still plays in a Sunday league and supports Southampton and Brighton, but he rarely goes to pro games because of the behaviour.
With soccer he's also played at Wembley and the Millenium stadium and toured Europe, Africa and India, his vote for worst behaved fans and players. UK
Jun 20, 2005
I like it. One of your best SL.

I have this obscure vision that 2026 could be Northern Ireland or maybe Cuba.
Just hope the Villa can stay in the Premiership this season.
Aug 4, 2004
IMHO there is too much corruption in FIFA as proven over the years. We have enough debt with the olympic thing never mind the increased debt if we had been awarded the football which personally I have no interest in. However here is an interesting article on the football and corruption. See
Jan 28, 2008
Great news ! all we need to do now is cancel the Olympics (or get Russia to pay for them) and persuade that pair from London to get hitched at the Kremlin and perhaps then we'll be able to afford a few more (real) coppers and firefighters on our streets


Nov 12, 2009
I can see the money saving benefits of us being cheated out of hosting the World Cup Finals during the next generation but why couldn't the jumped up corrupt dictators at FIFA have let us all know what their requirements were in the first place? (bungs and backhanders). That would have saved millions of pounds which was wasted in putting our bid together and this money could have been spent on grass roots football to develop home grown talent.
One hidden benefit of the failure of our bid means that England will at least be spared the humiliation of being the host nation with a team knocked out in the early stages by mediocre opposition.
Oct 9, 2010
Oh well, just to cheer everyone up it appears that when they signed the contract for the 2012 Olympics the deal says that French is the language of the games.
So all the winners ceremonies and announcements will be done in French first and on all the posters and paperwork French comes first. Like hell is it our Olympics. Coe and Co sold us an expensive PUP


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