Forum moderation

Mar 16, 2005
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There has recently been some criticism of the moderation service on this forum, particularly the Chit Chat forum.

The Chit Chat forum is for "For non-caravan issues: jokes, trivia, gossip." It is intended to be a place for light-hearted posts - the sort of chat you'd expect when a group of strangers meet up on a caravan park. Nothing too heavy, nothing too serious.

From time to time members have launched heavyweight threads on politics, child-rearing, immigrants, you know the rest. Mostly they are posted genuinely by bona-fide members. Sometimes they are posted as wind-ups by those who like to stir. Then it all goes wrong. Whether it be trolls posting abusive or insulting replies, or genuine members losing their temper and over-reacting, these threads almost inevitably seem to degenerate and become a verbal brawl.

It can be incredibly difficult to moderate these threads. They usually slide downhill so gradually, with a terse comment posted by one member attracting a sharp reply from another, each post in itself not quite 'abusive', but enough to warrant another response a little more barbed. Before long the insults are flying thick and fast. Then along comes the moderator who has to try and identify at what point things got out of hand. He/she then has to edit or delete subsequent abusive posts,and all of this on a seriously non-user-friendly Control Panel. It really can take up to an hour to sort out one wayward thread. Hardly surprising that on a couple of occasions an obviously contentious thread has been deleted in a pre-emptive strike.

There wouldn't be a problem if members could only stay cool and not take things so personally or literally, or nit-pick, or exagerate, or take words out of context, and generally say things that cause offence. Remember that quote from the film Bambi: "If you can't say nothing nice, say nothing at all."

No doubt all of this post will soon be well disected, distorted and regurgitated.

With Mod3 on long term leave, it only leaves Mod2 and I to mind the ship. We are not employees of Haymarket, although my position has changed since March as I now formally do freelance work on several Haymarket websites, which does include keeping an eye on their forums.

It can be a thankless job. We have been accused of bias, favouritism, censorship, abuse of power, victimisation, arrogance, and many other things we wouldn't allow anyone to say to another forum member!

As for the recent criticisms - well, someone has to draw a line and make a stand, and that is what a moderator is there for. We do so under the watchful eye of the publisher and the editor and we are not power-crazed autocrats as one unhappy ex-member claimed.

Everyone has different standards, tastes, preferences, morals - need I go on. We'll never please everyone, and whatever we do will annoy or offend someone. We just have to act as we see fit, within the general ethos of the forum on an online family caravanning website.

Contentious or inflamatory threads will be closely monitored and in some cases deleted if necessary.

I believe we have a fair middle-of-the-road approach to what is appropriate on this forum, and until the publishers decide otherwise, that's the way we'll be playing it.

There are lots of forums out there. It's up to each indiidual to find one that meets his/her needs and interests. It's not really fair to join a forum and then attempt to change it and it's other members to your way of thinking.


Mar 14, 2005
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Thanks for the post mod 1. You and mod 2 are doing a sterling job.

I bet you just wish all the posters were like me, polite and very easy going and a person who doesn't hold strong views. (Smiley icon thingy).



Mar 17, 2007
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I'm with Lisa. It is put up or shut up. Are those that are criticising mods queueing up to do the job? My guess is not.
Mar 14, 2005
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I'm taking bets here - How long before this topic becomes either modified or deleted hehehehe. Serious now the Mods are in my opinion doing a good but difficult job having to decide when and where to draw the line over right or wrong - keep up the good work whether you be male or female. Well done to you.
May 4, 2005
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Keep up the good work Mods, I know I wouldn't want to do it.

One member posted that if you didn't agree with a topic do not read it. Problem with that of late is it's getting hard to find ANYTHING to read. Even good posts change mid way to ongoing arguments or personal chat between a couple of people.

Mar 14, 2005
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Keep up the good work Mods, I know I wouldn't want to do it.

One member posted that if you didn't agree with a topic do not read it. Problem with that of late is it's getting hard to find ANYTHING to read. Even good posts change mid way to ongoing arguments or personal chat between a couple of people.

Brian you leave Diane and myself out of this.... hehehe
Aug 4, 2005
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Keep up the good work Mods, I know I wouldn't want to do it.

One member posted that if you didn't agree with a topic do not read it. Problem with that of late is it's getting hard to find ANYTHING to read. Even good posts change mid way to ongoing arguments or personal chat between a couple of people.


I had read the earlier comment by someone about don't read the topic if you don't agree with it but how do you know if you agree or not until you have read it :)

Plus a topic can be informative and interesting then suddenly goes screaming off at a tangent.
Aug 4, 2005
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What is it they say about you can please some of the people some of the time etc?

No matter who is moderating or with what severity some people are not going to like it. I would not take a moderator's post for a pension. I sometimes wonder about the content of some of the posts, would the person make these same comments in a face to face conversation or is it just the anonimity of the forum giving them some form of courage. Could I suggest that sometimes just taking a minute to re-read the post before hitting the submit button might be a good idea.

Anyway,personnaly, I believe the mods do a good job, I might not always totally agree with every decision but thats life.



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