France Holiday

Dec 30, 2009
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Has anybody had a stone go through the outer skin on the caravan front window? we had just that on the way up from the loire. £120 to replace. Didnt let it ruin the hols though.

Got back from an ace 2 weeks in France on Saturday. Had a fab time with the wife and dog, apart from the weather. We staied in the Loire for a week and near Canne for a week. The weather was rather disappointing to say the least but we still enjoyed ourselves. Bought a new satalite kit before going and it worked a treat, set it up in 10 mins 4 times. I was a bit woried about doing it as im def no techi.

If you havent been yet hope your hols are as god as ours and hope you get better weather!!

Kevin H
Mar 14, 2005
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I came back from 3 weeks in France last night.

It was the worst summer weather that I can remember in 20 years.

I bought a French LCD TV (cheapie) so that I could get the French weather forecasts on Teletex, but there wasn't really anywhere to go where it wasn't raining or blowing a gale.

Enjoyed it though as the wine and food were good as usual!
Dec 30, 2009
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The site ownwer at la vallee Houlgate said its been the worst weather in france for years and it it set to continue bad untill end of July. We wnt to the same site last september for a couple of days on the way back to calias and it was fantastic weather.

Kevin H
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Kevin

What sat. kit did you buy? We are thinking of getting one but I've been told it won't work in southern France (not chancing the north with all this rain) and we're planning on Spain nest year will sat. work this far south?


The answer this year was to head southeast. Cross the Alps in an easterly direction and the weather is much hotter and the sun shines. Don't ask me why, I just looked at the European maps and it clearly shows a temperature increase from about Switzerland eastwards. I assume our old friend global warming is to blame again.
Feb 26, 2007
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I've recently had an e-mail from Swiss friends who say that the weather has been very poor in their part of Switzerland.Like us,they had a good April and since then it has been much the same as we are getting.

Mar 16, 2005
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Not a great fan of france, but have been keeping an eye on

the forecasts just incase.

Rhiems, metz and nancy whilst not being superhot is indeed

having warm enough weather at the moment and for the foreseeable


We are booked in at devon from saturday for 2 weeks, if the

weather does not improve, then we will risk eastern france.
Dec 30, 2009
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giovanni, Poor weather in Devon at the moment, I know I live here. Isnt it a job to know where to go.

If I was retired I would be off to the south france/Spain/Italy for a couple of months, but alas still got to work so 2 weeks is all I get in 1 go. Thats why France, not too far.

Did noth west Grmany 2 years ago and had rain 4 a hole week as well.

Kevin H
Mar 14, 2005
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Just looked at the most recent weather reports. Berlin 29,84f, Cologne 33, 91f, Vienna 32,90f, Budapest34,93f. Much of central, southern and eastern Europe is positively scorching. Like everybody else I like the sunshine but not in those sorts of temperatures. I'll just give him upstairs a ring and book the sunny mid seventies. Is that ok with everyone?


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