Freemasons are one of those organisations that people love to make up stories about. Unfortunately, like all societies there are certain members who make full use of it for personal gain, and denigrate the hard work of all the others. These are usually the ones who get front page headlines. In a bygone age, before we were politically correct and brain dead, the Freemasons did a lot of good work and membership was something to be proud off. In many small communities it was a pillar of the society, in some respects similar to a church. It usually contained the local Doctor, Laywer and many public servants, who never allowed it to influence their works. That was always an irritating matter for those who wished to destroy anything they were not worthy off. In the old days, those that did screw it up, were usually found out, and kicked out. Now we have to have reality tv shows to make it look good. We now have TV presenters, who are crap, determined to get everybody down to their misbegotten levels, and they get paid well for it. Who are the mugs I wonder.
By the way, there are 36 degrees in Freemasonry and it takes a very long while to get them all. For those that are interested Rosslyn Chapel, yes that of Da Vinci fame is a good source of information of Freemasonry as the family that founded it were heavily involved, even that long ago.