Freemasons on Trial

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Apr 13, 2005
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When I was younger I used to go to Warrington Station to see the Night Mail Train. It was always a double header and jesus it was travelling through the station that fast that the wind used to nearly lift you off your feet!!!!!

replied under the other thread frank
Mar 14, 2005
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Diane I am here but more vertical than round. Regarding the question of secrecy in freemasonry there is no secret in being a member and it is now encouraged to admit to being a member if asked. Freemasonry is NOT a secret society it is a society with secrets (there is a world of difference). Any person could read up on freemasonry if they so wished by visiting a main town library as there are many books available on the subject, in fact there are even web pages on the internet about freemasonry (not sure of the log on connection) but I am sure someone will now answer this posting with the connection.


Freemasons are one of those organisations that people love to make up stories about. Unfortunately, like all societies there are certain members who make full use of it for personal gain, and denigrate the hard work of all the others. These are usually the ones who get front page headlines. In a bygone age, before we were politically correct and brain dead, the Freemasons did a lot of good work and membership was something to be proud off. In many small communities it was a pillar of the society, in some respects similar to a church. It usually contained the local Doctor, Laywer and many public servants, who never allowed it to influence their works. That was always an irritating matter for those who wished to destroy anything they were not worthy off. In the old days, those that did screw it up, were usually found out, and kicked out. Now we have to have reality tv shows to make it look good. We now have TV presenters, who are crap, determined to get everybody down to their misbegotten levels, and they get paid well for it. Who are the mugs I wonder.

By the way, there are 36 degrees in Freemasonry and it takes a very long while to get them all. For those that are interested Rosslyn Chapel, yes that of Da Vinci fame is a good source of information of Freemasonry as the family that founded it were heavily involved, even that long ago.
Mar 14, 2005
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Although we have disagreed on other topics SL I will agree with you 100% on your last posting. I have known many people who have become members just to feather their own nests and when they have achieved their aim they resign. Unfortunately it is a sign of the times we live in.


Thanks Colin, however agreement, or disagreement, it is all good fun at the end of the day, isn't it? If not what is the point of having a Forum?

However, I am still desperately waiting on the people of this UK rising up and getting their country(s) back. I hope I won't be disappointed.


Nov 12, 2009
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As it happens my younger brother is a freemason. He was invited to join his lodge by one of his former teachers on the same week that he gained his Law degree. He is very active in the Craft and is a past Master of his lodge.

I forget what his present title is but it involves visiting lodges in the Midlands area and advising and helping to oversee the ceremonial aspects of the Craft.

He does not divulge any information that he is forbidden to but I know that he and his Brethren do some good work for various charities and that my brother is an honourable man.
May 12, 2006
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It used to be if you could play the organ you were in high demand, and the mason who took on the bar normally progressed onwards and upwards.

It used to be "what can you do for the masons" Not what can the masons do for you !!!

Val & Frank
Jul 11, 2005
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A very good friend of mine was a Freemason, we went on a few doo's with him. I thought they were boring.

Any way sadly he died of a heart attack about ten years ago aged 50. His business was in freefall, he owed thousands and probably caused his death.

His wife was in dire straights, We thought that Freemason's helped their own but they did absolutely nothing.

Good job she had friends.



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