I realise I'm talking to myself. But since my first reply, I've been thinking of my 12 months of fridge hell investigation. Especially as the car mechanic blamed the caravan and the caravan dealer blamed the car!
As long as the fridge works OK normally and no fault is suspected with the fridge (ie a problem with power in other modes) then power supply from the car will almost certainly be the problem. I mentioned my experience above but there are many more causes in the car itself:
- loose connections
- supply wire too small
- earth wire too small
- only one earth connected (there are two earths on the caravan side of the white S connection). In my car the electrics had been fitted with the two earths connected into one wire of the same size before reaching the earthing point - idiots! There are two earths for a reason - two heavy power users, fridge and charger.
- Wires too long, ie too much power loss with excess wire legths.
Basically, the wiring should be in top condition, no loose ends, no straggling wires, all neat and tidy with tight terminals. Finally make sure all is neat and tidy and clean at the plug and socket - the whole point is to minimise power loss from the alternator to the relay and ultimately to the fridge.
and finally, make sure the fridge is switched to 12v and the caravan 12v system is switched correctly - different caravans require different switching, and make sure the fridge is pre-cooled on mains before leaving - 12v is not designed to chill from ambient temperature.