Front locker hinge challenge - Elddis

Dec 13, 2017
Not sure if this is a common design/problem or specific to Elddis but I'm sure the time-served folk on here will have fixed it.....

Our Elddix Xplore has a flimsy front locker door. It's fixed all the way along the top by a hinge to the body of the caravan. This "hinge" is effectively 2 U (or possibly almost G-shaped) shaped pieces that slot into each other and an end stop each end stops it from sliding off side-ways. Cheap way to get support all the way along and plenty of width to support the weight.

However... on one side now, the bit of the hinge that fits to the door tends to drop out of the fixed portion of the channel. If you then drop the door down it fouls itself and stresses the door, both parts of the hinge and the body of the caravan so not an ideal situation.

The instance fix is simple. Open the door over-wide, lift it up, the two halves of the hinge re-engage and you can close it properly.

Is this a regular problem with a simple fix? I suspect I could slide the door off of one side, close the U (or G) a bit and slide it back but I don't want to cause more problems than I'm trying to solve.

So is this a common design on cheaper units with a well known fix?
Jan 19, 2002
I suspect from your description that the hinge is like top window hinges on earlier caravans. You therefore have two aluminium sections that slide together creating the hinge - the part attached to the body a little like an awning skirt profile. It is possible therefore that the lid has been caught in the wind and over-opened thus stretching the opening. Removing the lid and tightening the opening may be one option, although it will be difficult to close it evenly. If taking this route I would get a lath of wood that is the right width and at east 30cm long, then using a broad nose pair of pliars with felt or similar stuck to the jaws with double sided tape work your way slowly along the affected edge being careful not to distort or dent the profile.
Jul 18, 2017
Mark31415 said:
Not sure if this is a common design/problem or specific to Elddis but I'm sure the time-served folk on here will have fixed it.....

Our Elddix Xplore has a flimsy front locker door. It's fixed all the way along the top by a hinge to the body of the caravan. This "hinge" is effectively 2 U (or possibly almost G-shaped) shaped pieces that slot into each other and an end stop each end stops it from sliding off side-ways. Cheap way to get support all the way along and plenty of width to support the weight.

However... on one side now, the bit of the hinge that fits to the door tends to drop out of the fixed portion of the channel. If you then drop the door down it fouls itself and stresses the door, both parts of the hinge and the body of the caravan so not an ideal situation.

The instance fix is simple. Open the door over-wide, lift it up, the two halves of the hinge re-engage and you can close it properly.

Is this a regular problem with a simple fix? I suspect I could slide the door off of one side, close the U (or G) a bit and slide it back but I don't want to cause more problems than I'm trying to solve.

So is this a common design on cheaper units with a well known fix?

You need to be careful that you do not cause cracks around the hinge. If purchased within the last 3 years the dealer should be rectifying the issue!
Jul 18, 2017
Mines the opposite,I took it off a couple of weeks ago,it took ages.I thought if I lifted it up high and push downwards it would separate,no chance.If you lift lid up and look at the hinge trim that's screwed to van front,it should have a series of pieces approx 6" ,then a 1cm piece,then 6",then 1cm and so on.The 1cm pieces should be shaped like an upside down "p" this will stop the hinges coming apart,so check them and see if yours are worn or fitted upside down?
Basically you have to remove all 1cm pieces before locker lid will/should separate.As others have said,very delicate so be gentle.


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