FTAO His Moddyship

Jan 19, 2008
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Ummmm anymore news on the upgrading of this site Your Moddyship? It would be nice if we could post pics etc. It would be nice also if we had emoticons because in some posts you're unsure if the poster is serious or joking where a smiley would solve it. An ignore feature would be nice for some where you can right click and choose to ignore a certain person, this would be most benificial to me because I could call people names and nobody would know because everyone would have me on iggy :O) Anyone else got any thoughts on what would make this an ideal site (without getting rid of me, so be kind you lil bu**ers).
Mar 14, 2005
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Yup a s*@&$Og spell checker! And how about a password recogniser for when logging on. Takes me ages to type in my email addy and password, I know I should use more than one finger, but no way am I putting my glass down!
Jan 19, 2008
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Yup a s*@&$Og spell checker! And how about a password recogniser for when logging on. Takes me ages to type in my email addy and password, I know I should use more than one finger, but no way am I putting my glass down!
heheh Lol, yes I forgot that one, its a pain in the aspidestrum keep typing it out each time.
Mar 14, 2005
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Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Moderator there is always one person who will moan no matter what you do. In fact they will probably moan if they did not have something to maon about. Lord B. you have enough on your plate with running the estate and satisfying the milk maid and the chaimber maid without the trivialities that you have listed above. Get your priorities correct. If your hands are too full with the estate and staff I have taken semi retirement and am only too willing to offer a helping hand.
Jul 12, 2005
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Yup a s*@&$Og spell checker! And how about a password recogniser for when logging on. Takes me ages to type in my email addy and password, I know I should use more than one finger, but no way am I putting my glass down!

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