Fuel Saving Devices

Jun 20, 2005
Do these things really work?
Sep 29, 2016
Smells like snake oil to me :p

Can be bought on online in lots of outlets for way les than a fiver.

I am pretty sure every car manufacturer would fit them if they could enhance their fuel consumption claims.

Only £40.00 from the site that Dusty linked to :whistle:
Nov 11, 2009
Dustydog said:
Do these things really work?

I could object to the advert saying that even for a pensioner it was easy to install. Given the lack of diy skills of younger generations it probably only pensioners who could fit it.

I’d rather not fit anything that messes around with my cars computer combustion emission systems. Are these gadgets a job lot from VW, BMW and Mercedes to help fund their upcoming dieselgate fine?

If it’s as successful as the “amazing” catalyst pellets that were marketed some years ago I think I will pass on this one thanks. :)
Sep 29, 2016
I am sure that there will be a lot of gullible buyers, I was once given a pair of magnet devices for trial, they clamped over fuel lines on a vehicle, same crap was being touted for clamping round gas suppy pipes to reduce consumption.

Did they work? Absolutely not, but lots were sold to the gullible, can't remember the price of them but I think it was around £80.0 for 2.

I do wonder how companies can get away with false representation of products, there should be recourse to legislation to prevent such tat being hawked. Perhaps the Prof can advise.
May 7, 2012
I am not sure the advert is British and if not there is nothing we can do except complain to the relevant authority and hope they take action. If it is British and if it is false then action can be taken once the situation can be proven. Part of the problem could be that it is so cheap that even if it does not work people just write off the loss without complaining, knowing they are not going to get their money back.
I do wonder if the people featured actually know and gave their consent to their names being used.
The suggestion that the gadget would be featured in future programs is in itself suspicious.
The claimed saving looks too good to be true and we all know what that normally means. I will not be interested unless reasonable proof is forthcoming.
Mar 27, 2011
I haven’t looked at the link or any of the adverts but I expect that all claims made will be vague such as a saving of “up to” it doesn’t actually say each and every user will make that saving, so all the people selling them needs to do is fit one to an old banger of a car that’s currently doing awful mileage to the gallon and bingo it starts getting an extra 50 miles per full tank, I doubt it could be classed as misrepresented so nothing could be done whether uk advert or abroad, it’s pretty much down to anyone buying it to use common sense.

Mar 14, 2005
There are several products that look almost identical and if you are interested here are two independent reviws of what these items actually do for fule consumption

To summarise all these two device do is take power from the ODB connector and flash a few LED's without actually doing anything to the ECU.

I can only base my assement on these two examples but it seem very unlikely that a small plug in device would be intelligent enough to be able to interact with every make of car and produce a fuel savings in ways the the car manufacturer can't.

As someone has already pointed out, if such fuel savings were really possible, it would be seen as a major positive selling point by the car manufacturers.

So my advice is to leave it well alone.

As for banning the adverts, the Advertising Standards authority only has power of adverts being produced and directed at the UK market. They have no control over those emanating from abroad. and the way this has been presented is as a editorial, I am sure it falls into President Trumps "False News" category.
Jun 26, 2017
Dustydog said:
Jeremy Clarkson says it works. So he endorses a load of rubbish. Is that right?

Despite what the advert (with a very dubious URL) says Dusty, I haven’t heard or see him say it works.

The advert in your link looks to be in a similar guise to the ones which were cybercurrency investment scams, posted by criminals in attempt to hook in gullible investors. in fact it almost looks like they’ve used the same template, and replaced the picture of Martin Lewis with one of Jeremy Clarkson !

Not wanting to scaremonger or be a killjoy here, and although your post raised an interesting topic and was made with the very best of intentions, I really would also recommend anyone who has clicked on your link to clear internet history and cookies, and under no circumstances click on any links or buttons on the page.
Jul 18, 2017
The only real fuel saving method that actually works is knowing how to use your foot! :woohoo:
Oct 12, 2013
Buckman said:
The only real fuel saving method that actually works is knowing how to use your foot ! :woohoo:

That's just what i was thinking !!
The heavier the foot the emptier the wallet !!
Nov 16, 2015
Craigyoung said:
Buckman said:
The only real fuel saving method that actually works is knowing how to use your foot ! :woohoo:

That's just what i was thinking !!
The heavier the foot the emptier the wallet !!

No wonder the Bus Prices are so high. B)
Aug 9, 2010
Buckman said:
The only real fuel saving method that
ctually works is knowing how to use your foot! :woohoo:

The best fuel saver of all is the ignition key - leave it in the drawer and you save thousands!
May 7, 2012
emmerson said:
Buckman said:
The only real fuel saving method that
ctually works is knowing how to use your foot! :woohoo:

The best fuel saver of all is the ignition key - leave it in the drawer and you save thousands!

For short journeys yes, but the caravan is a bit heavy for my wife and me to pull.
Oct 3, 2013
Some work some don't.The ones that work are bought up by the fuel companies and buried.After all it's in their interest to suppress something that takes revenue away from them.