Funeral photography

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Mar 14, 2005
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In answer to a few replies to my previous posting - first of all I do not think that the fact that I am older than Lisa has any bearing on the matter, the alternative way of thinking is that an older head could be a wiser head. The fact that this subject was raised on another forum/web site does not mean that it should be raised here. Secondly death is the only certainty in life. Lord B. and Lisa have witnessed many deaths whilst working in a professional capacity in the ambulance/fire service and are more "hardened" to death although when it actually involves a family member or close friend there must obviously be a different feeling of sympathy. As one gets older and nearer the calling one generally becomes more sensative to this subject. Also one becomes aware that family and friends of a similar age are passing away. Mention has also been made of Colin -Yorkshire recently losing his pet dog and as a pet owner I offer him my deepest sympathy at this time. However I do not think that the loss of a pet is so tragic as the loss of a family member.

I still think, and cannot be convinced otherwise, that this topic is totally out of order on this supposed to be family orientated caravan forum. We all know the ultimate fate for all of us but to have it brought up in this manner is wrong and insensative. Whether one has photos taken at a funeral is up to the mourners and cannot be agreed upon or discreditied - each to their own. There is a time and place for eveything and this forum is not the time or place for this topic.


Mar 14, 2005
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colin bridgend said:
In answer to a few replies to my previous posting - first of all I do not think that the fact that I am older than Lisa has any bearing on the matter, the alternative way of thinking is that an older head could be a wiser head. The fact that this subject was raised on another forum/web site does not mean that it should be raised here. Secondly death is the only certainty in life. Lord B. and Lisa have witnessed many deaths whilst working in a professional capacity in the ambulance/fire service and are more "hardened" to death although when it actually involves a family member or close friend there must obviously be a different feeling of sympathy. As one gets older and nearer the calling one generally becomes more sensative to this subject. Also one becomes aware that family and friends of a similar age are passing away. Mention has also been made of Colin -Yorkshire recently losing his pet dog and as a pet owner I offer him my deepest sympathy at this time. However I do not think that the loss of a pet is so tragic as the loss of a family member.

I still think, and cannot be convinced otherwise, that this topic is totally out of order on this supposed to be family orientated caravan forum. We all know the ultimate fate for all of us but to have it brought up in this manner is wrong and insensative. Whether one has photos taken at a funeral is up to the mourners and cannot be agreed upon or discreditied - each to their own. There is a time and place for eveything and this forum is not the time or place for this topic.

Hi Colin

For clarification purposes, I am not a ff, however in my role I have seen photographic evidence and written evidence of the most horrific incidents. Enough said. I am no way hardened to death, just more aware of how precious life is, and what CAN happen when you walk out of the door one morning on your daily business but never return......

People who have commented on this topic have done so in a personal and sensitive way. Damian is happy for this topic to run.

I'm sorry you are so offended by this topic but my suggestion to you now, as this topic is not going to be deleted, is simply don't read it anymore.

Jan 19, 2008
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colin bridgend said:
Whether one has photos taken at a funeral is up to the mourners and cannot be agreed upon or discreditied - each to their own.

Exactly Colyn ap Brydgynd and this was what the post was all about
Jun 20, 2005
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Lord Braykewynde said:
Dustydog said:
Equaly Colin, Colin Yorkshire lost his little dog this week and I am glad so many people on here took time to ofer a few words of comfort.

So do we ask for that topic to be deleted DD because it was an emotive subject?

Afterall, it could have brought tears to others eyes by reminding them of loved pets they had lost in the past
Definitely not. IMO it brought comfort to Colin Yorkshire and indeed for me brought back many happy memories as I hope it did for others.
So far no one has said take pics of the whole funeral, deceased, or coffin. The floral tributes have been well photographed. What's wrong with that?
Oct 19, 2007
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Every time an interesting issue is bought up on this forum for discussion there is always somebody who takes offence . Well done LMH for writing such an interesting post.

Moderator Note:
Part of posting removed as it was totally unnecessary and potentially confrontational.


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