Gas Bottles

Nov 16, 2015
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Hi folks I have two Full, Calor lite bottles, These will probably last me for maybe 4 to 6 months, then what do I do, Buy Safefill, or go for a couple of BP gas lite bottles, given the fact that we will possibly spend 3 to four months in France where i use camping gas for the BBQ.
Ok what do you use and why.
Aug 23, 2009
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As to what you do.......... ??????

As to what we do and why, I changed to calor lite early on as I was struggling to lift the other bottles. Stuck with them as haven't the will and enthusiasm to change to something else.
Jul 9, 2013
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Martin24 said:
... I changed to calor lite early on as I was struggling to lift the other bottles. Stuck with them as haven't the will and enthusiasm to change to something else.

Me too and for the same reason!

My caravan came with a butane bottle, and I already had a couple from my previous caravan. Decided I wanted to change to propane so I could boil the kettle while I was doing winter maintenance, and when I went in to change the bottles was offered Lite. Never looked back - especially when in last year's product recall I was able to swap an almost empty bottle for a full one!
Nov 16, 2015
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My problem and I am sure many others are having the same problem is getting a full bottle, I have three calor lite, 2 full one about to go empty the next time out but cannot get a replacment full one. :eek:hmy:
Apr 7, 2008
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EH52ARH said:
My problem and I am sure many others are having the same problem is getting a full bottle, I have three calor lite, 2 full one about to go empty the next time out but cannot get a replacment full one. :eek:hmy:

The problem is not enough are back in supply due to the recall ....another reason why I switched to refiiable bottle's. ....oh and the cost ..
Aug 9, 2010
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I had no choice but to use a Calorlite at the "end" (?) of last season, but changed it back asap.
Slight change of subject: I have a Draper workshop space heater on Calor, for which I have a 47 litre bottle. This costs £68 to exchange, therefore £1.40 per litre. My 6kg for the 'van costs £21, or £3.50 per litre. LPG for my car costs around £0.50 per litre. As it's all the same stuff, can someone please tell me why such a huge difference?
Aug 9, 2010
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emmerson said:
I had no choice but to use a Calorlite at the "end" (?) of last season, but changed it back asap.
Slight change of subject: I have a Draper workshop space heater on Calor, for which I have a 47 litre bottle. This costs £68 to exchange, therefore £1.40 per litre. My 6kg for the 'van costs £21, or £3.50 per litre. LPG for my car costs around £0.50 per litre. As it's all the same stuff, can someone please tell me why such a huge difference?

Oops, did you spot the error? Bottles should be in kgs, car fuel in litres.
Feb 3, 2008
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I use Calorlite to keep the nose weight within requirements, but I resent having to pay the surcharge for gauges that don't work. :( Dustydog bailed me out at the last Woosiefest by loaning me a normal Calor gas cylinder when we realised our cylinder was empty although the gauge said full. Reminder to oneself - take the cylinder out before going on a trip and weigh it. :whistle: :oops:

edit - we had no problem replacing the empty Calorlite at our local caravan dealer when we returned home from the Woosiefest so there are a few full ones around.
Nov 16, 2015
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I am now seeing whyyou are called King Sroket, you seem to have a gadjet for almost everything, probably have an electric bannana as welll?.
Nov 16, 2015
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I always carry two bottles, one full bottle and then as soon as the empty one goes fit the other full one, and hunt down another a supplier to exchange the empty.
It's catch 22 with calor, if people wont give in the empties to be filled, they cant suppy full ones and people dont want a reciept for gas that cant be supplied. :woohoo:


May 7, 2005
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I use BP light 10kg bottles but I only carry two if one is so depleted there is a risk of running out on a trip. Then I make a judgement and if things look marginal then I carry a spare Calor-lite if in the UK or a Camping Gaz 907 if in France. The thoughts here being to minimise weight, add portability to using a BBQ, minimise exposure to using expensive gas other than in emergencies, and have a gas exchangeable in France. I keep two BP lights so I don't need to rush to exchange so can buy prudently. I have an excellent local BP dealer who prices to win custom.
I have thought seriously about getting a SafeFill but local issues with gettingi it refilled and lack of confidence that self refill will be allowed in future I have not done so.
Nov 16, 2015
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Thanks JTQ, I think you are giving me my answers, I also carry the 907 for the BBQ, I believe the BP gaslite have the same fittings as the "Le Cube" gas bottles, which are vey cheap in France. About €19 and about 10 to exchange. For a 5kg.



May 7, 2005
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EH52ARH said:
Thanks JTQ, I think you are giving me my answers, I also carry the 907 for the BBQ, I believe the BP gaslite have the same fittings as the "Le Cube" gas bottles, which are vey cheap in France. About €19 and about 10 to exchange. For a 5kg.


Yes, if you buy specifically the 27 mm Clip-on with the vertical as opposed to the side, take off it fits both BP -light and Le Cube; I have that as a standby but never needed to exercise that option.
One like this :
Feb 3, 2008
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Martin24 said:
May be another poor cognitive moment (or blonde) but why the scales?

Gas is measured in kilograms. Weigh the full bottle when you get it then you can weigh it at any other time and know how much gas you have left. :)

Calor also have an aluminium disk around the bottle neck which gives the empty bottle weight which they use to say when the bottle is full when filling it. The silly thing is the gas is weighed in kg but the empty bottle is weighed in lbs and oz.
Aug 9, 2010
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weigh a full bottle, then re-weigh it during use and you can then tell how much gas you have left.
I carry two bottles in UK, three in Europe, and have never been stuck yet.In fact, I can't remember ever using the third bottle even on 12 week Euro-jaunts.
Nov 16, 2015
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I am the same Emmerson, but tend to get paranoid about it, and JTQ, I did notice that I needed a vertical adaptor as you described.
Thanks folks. Keep posting.
Nov 6, 2005
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I use a changeover valve so i never have half full bottles. It does depend on how much you use as to how quickly you can recoup a refillable cylinder costs back.It also only lasts 10 years before it has to be checked and you wont be able to send it.
Alde heating does eat gas, i used approx 7kgs of a 10kg Bp light over 4 days this New year. I picked up some 10kg bottles from a chicken farm as they didnt use them, but i will revert back to Calor lite when emptied them all.
Had to lend a calor to a guy at New Year as he drove for miles trying to get a Safefill filled with no luck.
Bp were trying to sell the gas business a few years back and the rep did say that he expected the bp light business to fold as it wasn't profitable.
They invested heavily but havent been able to dislodge Calor, the ease of exchanging Calor against Bp isnt really a contest.
Dec 21, 2012
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There is of course one other way,
Minding my 'P' & 'Q' s here
If you have the right 'tool' and you are not in the UK - viz France
then the bottle proprietor's restrictions don't come into force
and if you can find a 'helpful' garage or supplier of LPG
then, Bobs your uncle and as you may find a huge
price differential it may be worth considering doing the
same again before coming back to these shores and back into
the vice like grip of our major UK LPG supplier
(There now, no names, no pack drill so as to upset no-one !)
Nov 16, 2015
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I have seen an adaptor to do such bad things, don't think I would go to that extreme, a bit to safety consious. BP gas lites can be bought from B & Q and if you use the Wednesday discount , deal its another 15% off, so that makes a slightly better deal.


May 7, 2005
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EH52ARH said:
I can't get BP lights exchanged at my B&Q but at any Homebase. BP light is now owned by Flo-gas so these scare stories about them folding I feel is just that. And in my experience it is a great deal easier to drive to the next village to my ex BP outlet to exchange the BP lights than the struggle I had ringing round Calor dealers to exchange a Lite for a Lite; easy to change a Lite for a "heavy" but it was for a month impossible to get the Lite exchanged.


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