Gasheater Carver Caravelle 4

Nov 1, 2018
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New member and straight with a question. ;)
I have a carver caravelle 4 gas heater with electronic ignition and temperature control.
After changing the IC and thermistor (water damage), the electronic works again.
Only thing what makes me unsure is the fact that the igniter doesn't stop after heater has fired up.
Is it normal that is ticks all the time ( with a much slower frequency)? I know it, that it has to stop after the fire is lighted up. (temperature sensor gone?)
Thanks a lot
Mar 14, 2005
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Hello dbach.

You mention the appliance has been water damaged, and you have changed the IC and the thermistor, and now the systems continues to try to ignite even when the flame has been established.

I would be wary of DIY fixes to the controller as it is trying to managed a gas appliance, which if its not working properly can have so many dangers. The circuits should be tested properly for safe and effective operation, something that can only be done by those withe the correct equipment and knowledge of the full specification.

I suggest you contact
Gary who is a contributor to this forum may have access to replacements.
Nov 1, 2018
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Thank you very much for your worried response.
Would be more dangerous if the electronic wouldn't ignite at all :).
Don't know if it was water really, but there have been traces of oxid in the area of the thermistor,the comparator and capacitor. I thought that's it, because from day one I bought it second hand there hasn't been a working temperature control (Full or Nothing)
But something is wrong with it anyway, so I have buried it.:(
There are a couple of transistors on that board which also are getting extremely hot in an excessive way. Bending the CB also changes things, so I'm suspicious, that the board also is internally cracked somewhere or has to be resoldered completely. Paying about £50 in a spare CB isn't worth for that fossil.
Thank you again,
Mar 14, 2005
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Robert_374373903 said:
I also had the problem with igniter keep on after firing up and all it was that I had not turned the switch firmly off.

With the assumption you are referring to either a Carver or a Truma heater, then your solution is not correct, as design of both makes used auto ignition systems, which when working properly the ignitor will stop firing when a flame has been established. If it continued to spark after a flame has been established, then either the flame detection electrode or circuit is faulty or the flame has not been properly grounded to the burner.


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