Gaslow Refillable Cylinders

Feb 3, 2005
Been looking at these gas cylinders at the NEC, and picked up a leaflet. On the face of it, they seem to be the solution to the age old problem of gas supplies if you travel in multiple countries. You fill them up at filling stations in the same way as a gas fuelled car - two adapters seem to cover pump connections in most countries. The 6kg cylinder takes 11.5 litres of gas, so even in the UK would be pretty cheap to fill. The cylinders are not cheap - £79 for the 6kg but if they solve the problem I would say they are worth it. There is also a filling kit which allows you to fit an intake to the side of your van (£56), but I am not sure if this is essential.

Would be very interested to hear if anyone has tried this system, and your views and any further information. In particular can you get Auto LPG in Spain? - I've read mixed views on this, and never had cause to look when I have been there.

Jan 1, 2006
Keith J

You will now get lots of relpies as to how dangerous it is to refill cylinders. I have 2 from M.T.H Autogas they will be worth a look try Google to find thier webb site. The cylinders are much like the BP ones and do not have to be plumed in.

Feb 3, 2005
Hi David. The difference in this case is that the Gaslow cylinders are intended for refilling by the user - they operate the same as an LPG tank on a car. They have a mechanism that prevents them being filled to more than 80% for safety.

Jan 1, 2006

yes I understand that no problem, the cylinders I have are refilled by seeing the liquid, I have seen these in use by the Dutch hence I got 2 10kg. I use these for other purposes than the van. you do not have to refill these till they are full, a good bit of kit, but you will need to use allot of gas to make them cost effective
Feb 3, 2005
David. Thanks, I think I mis-read your post the first time. Have you used your cylinders in Europe? If so, which countries, and are they easy to fill - with adapter?

Jan 1, 2006

The first year I had them I loaded 2X10 kg cylinders. and the 2 of us used less than 5kg in 4 weeks. so now I only take one with me ,I top it up before we go,The mistake I made was in getting the 10kg cylinders I should have got the smaller ones. I have had no need to refill whilst abroad,The main problem is the high capital cost when you bye the equipment in the UK. Should you be in Holand then I am told its much cheeper.
Feb 3, 2005
Thanks David. I agree with you - we were away for three months this year (mid April to Mid July) in Spain, Portugal and France, and only used one Camping Gaz cylinder. But we might go earlier next year - therefore might use more gas for heating. Would like to invest in one 6kg refillable, but still need to establish whether they can be refilled in Spain. If not it might be better to buy a Spanish bottle and obtain the relevant pigtail.

Jan 1, 2006

I recently saw an add in one of the club mags for an adapter for all gas bottles. It looked good but was expensive
Apr 12, 2005
Hi Keith

I've had my Gaslow refillable system for over 2 years now not had any problems with system or filling up in this country (uk).

You can buy the system direct from Gaslow themselves and they post it to you. Instead of cutting the hole in the side of the van i mounted my filler on a bracket mounted to the underneath of the van near the front on the same side as my cars filler as it also runs on lpg, this way when i change my van i can take all the system with me and it's easy to take off when the van goes in for servicing.

I haven't taken my van abroad but i have taken my car across to luxembourg and i found the adapters for the fillers over their could either be bought cheaper from their service stations or they would even borrow you one if someone hasn't nicked it.

My bottle holds 12 litres of gas from empty which at 44.9p a litre locally to me =
Jan 1, 2006
Hi Keith.

Your kit looks a good bye, and if you fit as shown by Paul should be OK . I use my Cylinders thought the winter hence I went the route I did.



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