George Best

Mar 14, 2005
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The doctor said to George I have some bad news and some good news for you.

George said to the Doctor give me the bad news first.

The doctor said "George I'm sorry but you only have an hour left to live"

George said "What's the good news then Doc?"

The Doc said "It's happy hour"
Jan 19, 2008
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Doc said to George Best "Ive got some good news and bad news George"

"OK gimme the good news Doc"

"You've been selected as sub for the Heaven Eleven"

"OMG" said George "so whats the bad news".

"You're on next"
Jan 19, 2008
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Well I never met him but due to me not watching tv I didnt realise he was being buried today so I apologise for the joke. I paid particular attention tonight to the news. To put it mildly I was gobsmacked .. was it a Godly person that was being buried, maybe a Pope, maybe someone who had raised millions for charity or a pioneering surgeon who had saved countless lives. Was it a scientist or a world statesman of the quality of Churchill. I dont think I need to go on for anyone to get my drift. We had arguably the best footballer of a generation but he quit at 25 to lead a playboy lifestyle. Did he put anything back into football like coaching youngsters? In all honestly what did he do except drink himself to death. There are hundreds of people who would love the chance of a liver transplant but they haven,t got the money or the clout that George had. All in all a sad state of affairs and a wasted life. He had so much to offer and if he had given it I could have understood the Godly adulation that was bestowed on him today. At least he's at peace with the world and himself now.
Jan 21, 2014
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Well I never met him but due to me not watching tv I didnt realise he was being buried today so I apologise for the joke. I paid particular attention tonight to the news. To put it mildly I was gobsmacked .. was it a Godly person that was being buried, maybe a Pope, maybe someone who had raised millions for charity or a pioneering surgeon who had saved countless lives. Was it a scientist or a world statesman of the quality of Churchill. I dont think I need to go on for anyone to get my drift. We had arguably the best footballer of a generation but he quit at 25 to lead a playboy lifestyle. Did he put anything back into football like coaching youngsters? In all honestly what did he do except drink himself to death. There are hundreds of people who would love the chance of a liver transplant but they haven,t got the money or the clout that George had. All in all a sad state of affairs and a wasted life. He had so much to offer and if he had given it I could have understood the Godly adulation that was bestowed on him today. At least he's at peace with the world and himself now.
Here Here!!

Having just lost my sister-in-law to cancer the week made this whole George Best thing a complete fiasco - you choose you're life style - you pay the price!! IMHO
Mar 14, 2005
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Okay he abused his liver, and lived a play boy life style, but he's been buried today, never speak ill of the dead. Especially with sick jokes
Mar 14, 2005
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I respect the fact that George Best was buried today but what I do not understand why all the fuss. Fair enough he was a good footballer in his time but his life style after retirement does not hold good with me. As stated he not only abused his own body he also abused the memory of the poor soul whose liver was donated. In my opinion he does not deserve the glory - it is only putting across wrong messages to youngsters regarding drinking and smoking to excess..

Richard Burns recently passed away from suffering a brain tumour at the young age of 36. He was a first class world champion rally driver and a good ambassador to his country who never entered the form of life style of George Best. What media coverage did he have on his passing and funeral? There was a single column article about 4ins. long in the Daily Mail. Makes you think what the public wants and how the media can make someone.
Jan 19, 2008
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Okay he abused his liver, and lived a play boy life style, but he's been buried today, never speak ill of the dead. Especially with sick jokes
Put your glasses on Carol and read above before you posted....... "Well I never met him but due to me not watching tv I didnt realise he was being buried today so I apologise for the joke." What do you want - blood?
Jan 19, 2008
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Okay I agree with that, but he's dead so let him rest in peace, and still without the sick jokes
Put your glasses on Carol and read above before you posted....... "Well I never met him but due to me not watching tv I didnt realise he was being buried today so I apologise for the joke." What do you want - blood?
Mar 14, 2005
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Here Here!!

Having just lost my sister-in-law to cancer the week made this whole George Best thing a complete fiasco - you choose you're life style - you pay the price!! IMHO
Sorry to hear of your sad loss Wendy - it's at times like this that the true meaning of life hits home. She would have probably given the world to have had a second chance and if she had would have been extremely grateful. A family loss is truely a sad occassion. God bless you and your family.
Mar 14, 2005
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I respect the fact that George Best was buried today but what I do not understand why all the fuss. Fair enough he was a good footballer in his time but his life style after retirement does not hold good with me. As stated he not only abused his own body he also abused the memory of the poor soul whose liver was donated. In my opinion he does not deserve the glory - it is only putting across wrong messages to youngsters regarding drinking and smoking to excess..

Richard Burns recently passed away from suffering a brain tumour at the young age of 36. He was a first class world champion rally driver and a good ambassador to his country who never entered the form of life style of George Best. What media coverage did he have on his passing and funeral? There was a single column article about 4ins. long in the Daily Mail. Makes you think what the public wants and how the media can make someone.
I didn't know about Richard passing away. I can be quite honest about this Colin and say it was more of a loss than Best moving on. Richard was a shining example of what a sports person should be. Dedicated, talented and humble at the same time. We have lost a great World champion and can only imagine how much greater he would gave become. I knew of his problems with blacking out but didn't know anything about his problems recently. Seems the press have got it badly wrong again, they should have concentrated on a man of his stature.
Mar 14, 2005
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And you wonder why people are leaving this forum !!
James, I thought it was only me who felt the jokes were in bad taste, glad to know I'm not alone. I was no fan of Kanga but most of what he did was less worrying than this.
Jul 22, 2005
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SICK, SICK, SICK, didnt any of you see in the news where his son said his speech? yes GB was an alcoholic a playboy and probably wasted his talent but to Calum Best that was his father and most likely the be all and end all for him. People have lost a father and a son, what about all the people that die from lung cancer would you all be as incensitive then?

Jan 19, 2008
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SICK, SICK, SICK, didnt any of you see in the news where his son said his speech? yes GB was an alcoholic a playboy and probably wasted his talent but to Calum Best that was his father and most likely the be all and end all for him. People have lost a father and a son, what about all the people that die from lung cancer would you all be as incensitive then?

I watched the beginning as I said in my post earlier. That was enough. Some people have their priorities wrong in life but Colin is probably right, blame the media. The mass adulation was all out of proportion for what he achieved in life or for what he put back into life. In truth George only took and didn't give unless you count his footballing skills which people paid to see. As I said before at least he's at peace now.
Jan 19, 2008
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While yvonne is busy throwing out compliments by calling people names I give you a previous post of hers .....

yvonne whatdoyoucalla

29 Nov 2005 09:19 PM

what do you call a man with no legs?

a low down b*m!!!

If everyone was as picky as you yvonne couldn't someone accuse you of being a moron for using such insensitive comments about double amputee's. They who live in glass houses ...........
Mar 14, 2005
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Being of an age that saw George doing what he did best, he was absolutely brilliant and if he was playing in this era he would have been the richest footballer in the world by a long way.

his downward spiral due to his chosen lifestyle is the area that people get upset about, and I would agree that perhaps the liver he received could have gone to someone else, but you must bear in mind that george suffered from one of the most devilish addictions known to man, and it must have been terrible for him not to have been able to kick the habit after his receipt of a liver. However I suspect that the majority of people who attended his funeral and had a wake afterwards will be saying. There goes the greatest footballer that ever lived and I would totally agree with them IMHO


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