global warming

Mar 14, 2005
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Question: If global warming is causing the Canadian ice floe to break up, why am I sitting here wearing a sweater, with the central heating on?
Aug 28, 2005
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Yes i saw that on the news about canoeing where there was once ice , then i thought well whats new about that ,i sailed on a ferry last week from Calias to Dover , which thousands of years ago was also dry land , in fact we were joined to mainland Europe from just above Norfolk to past the isle of Wight ,and the river Thames was a tributary of the Rhine ,without the world getting warmer ,i wouldnt be sitting here typing this ,so we are still coming out of the ice age ,there was a programe on tv a few years abouit tracing our roots , and they said they have just found a new Gene ,which can tell you where your ancestors were 20000 ago , and they said that 60% of Europeans come from the centre of France ,one women said i am Danish , they said your family may have come from Denmark ,but 20000 ago they were in the centre of France ,but not every one is having our crap weather , i just got from the Dordogne and we had temperatures up to 33c , we had 1 night of rain and 2 days overcast and even they were warm
Mar 14, 2005
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Two years ago when my son was studying on a degree course in Construction he was told by a lecturer that there is no such thing as global warming - what we need worry about is global dimming. What he meant by that God only knows - last one off the face of the earth please turn the light off.
Mar 13, 2007
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Question: If global warming is causing the Canadian ice floe to break up, why am I sitting here wearing a sweater, with the central heating on?

you don't really want to know the answer so why ask the question???????

sorry of course not forgot there for a minute it's a typical

emmerson wind up isn't it
Mar 14, 2005
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Question: If global warming is causing the Canadian ice floe to break up, why am I sitting here wearing a sweater, with the central heating on?

you don't really want to know the answer so why ask the question???????

sorry of course not forgot there for a minute it's a typical

emmerson wind up isn't it
Colin, really! I'm deeply hurt. I shall have to go and lie down in a darkened room.
May 25, 2008
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Roger don't be so silly, Book a seasonal pitch at Braemar and cover all your bets!!!!

If we have an Ice Age your well placed for it,If we don't you can just admire the sun drenched mountains surrounding the site.


I think one has to be slightly circumspect with regard to global warming. After all our records show that in the 12th and 13th Centuries vines were growing easily in England. The Vikings inhabited Greenland, yet in the 15th Century or thereabouts the Thames was frozen so people were having market days on the ice.

So are we seeing another episode of the same climatic change or have we changed the balance ourselves? What I do not dispute is that the emissions of carbon from exhausts and coalfired power stations will have anegative effect, even if it is only on health.
Apr 22, 2006
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I know my view on this maybe simplistic but as I understand it this cooling by maybe 6 degrees is due to the gulf stream losing 30% of it's heated water before it arrives here and the non saline water from the melting ice cap's disrupting the waters return flow.

So if this starts to happen and temperatures drop will this not start the freezening process all over again thereby recreating a new ice cap.
Mar 17, 2007
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How much of these ice caps are land bound? As I understand it, much of this ice is already floating (in the sea) therefore if it melts,

there is little displacement differential, and the sea levels are unnafected. Plus, those poor Polar Bears must be sick to death of eating seals, and just waiting for the day when the ice goes, and they can get their teeth into a decent bit of badger !!
Mar 13, 2007
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I as going to write a reply for the members who genuinely don't know what is happening to the british weather and might be interested.

However seeing as the pi$$ takers have hijacked yet another thread I wont bother.

goodnite colin
Mar 14, 2005
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Now, now Colin yorkshire! Don't throw your toys out of the pram! It was YOU who described my perfectly genuine question as a "typical Emmerson wind-up" was it not? Therefore, you cannot blame others for turning the thread into a p*ss-take, can you? Now grow up and stop sulking.


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