Going Away

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Oct 17, 2006
Hi Colin, Sorry you had a bad week-end, think everybody was in the same boat with the weather, not as bad as you though, been very busy here,

I have a 8 man tent, I'll do a swap, it doesn't leak??

All the best. Liz
Mar 14, 2005
Lord B. Bad experience is a mild way of putting it - there are not enough expletives on the keyboard for me to express my true feelings. Liz we have tried a trailer tent, not quite an ordinary tent may be, but the wife did not like it so I am too scared to suggest a swap for an ordinary tent - sorry but SWMBO wins on this one.
Oct 17, 2006
Fair comment Colin, we have our tourer now, I would never go back to a tent, not sure when we are away, hope weather is a bit better when we go, I am a bit weary of putting our awning up as it sagged badly last time with all the rain. Nevermind Colin you will not have to sleep on the caravan floor tonight. Regards Liz
Mar 14, 2005
I suppose every cloud has a bright lining - I will be sleeping in a nice comfy bed with the toilet facilities just across the landing and getting up in the morning to a nice warm shower and breakfast in the comfort of our own kitchen and then ultimately washing up in running hot water at a kitchen sink. Why the hell with all the home comforts do we pay thousands of pounds and then site fees on top to spend time in a tin box? With the tin box there goes the walk to the shower/toilet block, the tap, the toilet empying point and the waste water point. Oh the hate of caravanning - I live a few hundred yards from a mental hospital so I think I will go and sign my self in.

Another thought is the interest I am loosing on the
Oct 17, 2006
Now,Now Colin, have a good nights sleep, things will seem a lot better in the morning, it's just one of these things with bad weather, we had it really bad here, we had tents here as well, they all laughed about it Monday morning. Please delay the mental hospital for a while your too young yet cough,cough, yet.

Look on the bright side, it all can be fixed, and you can go off and enjoy many more caravanning holidays, nothing better than your own home on wheels.Liz
Mar 14, 2005
Liz have you tried honey for your cough? Go to Lidl and buy their honey - excellent, best of the shop honey I have ever tasted. Go for the solid honey and not the runny honey. Try it with bacon and egg similar to beef with mustard - delicious.
Oct 17, 2006
Arn't you glad your back Colin, we will soon make you feel better, I bet your feeling better already, Tourers can be fixed, but unfortunately men your age cough,cough, I'll have to get this cough seen too, now where was I, O yes, Your soon be back on the road and another site to visit better weather etc,etc.

P.S Honey you say, YUK.

Regards Liz
Jul 11, 2005
All the people that did not go away were not mean, tight fisted miserable so and so's. We just looked at the weather forecast.
Feb 11, 2007
I suppose every cloud has a bright lining - I will be sleeping in a nice comfy bed with the toilet facilities just across the landing and getting up in the morning to a nice warm shower and breakfast in the comfort of our own kitchen and then ultimately washing up in running hot water at a kitchen sink. Why the hell with all the home comforts do we pay thousands of pounds and then site fees on top to spend time in a tin box? With the tin box there goes the walk to the shower/toilet block, the tap, the toilet empying point and the waste water point. Oh the hate of caravanning - I live a few hundred yards from a mental hospital so I think I will go and sign my self in.

Another thought is the interest I am loosing on the
Mar 14, 2005
Well the mental hospital is calling. After a horendous long weekend in the wind, rain, etc. my wife and I have just committed the unthinkable - we have sold the fixed bed 2007 model Ace Jubilee Envoy. Guess what though we have bought a NEW Bailey Ranger 500/5 - am I mad or what to even agree with the wife on this one let alone actually purchasing a new van. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!
Oct 17, 2006
Well done Colin, I guessed that's what you were upto, when do you pick up your new van, or have you got it already.

Regards Liz
Mar 14, 2005
With a bit of luck next week as it will be delivered next Wednesday (Bailey at present on holidays). bet they don't go caravanning. Read an article in the dealers that the average time to manufacture a caravan is only a few days.
Oct 17, 2006
Brilliant, I must admit I do like Baileys. I am not jealous Colin, But us wives do know best. Your wife has good tastes. Liz


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