Going To France

Oct 3, 2013
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Normally we go to France every year,but not this year,we're waiting on the government (what a joke) sorting out this brexit "problem" - of their own making.
Still,no problem to us,we'll probably enjoy ourselves more.
Mar 14, 2005
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Don't hold your breath waiting. Just get an IDP and Green card just in case ( depending on your dates) and do it.
Ignore Macron. Most of campsite owners will be delighted to see you. Only downside I can see is that diesel is seriously expensive over there (Macron again) even at supermarkets in the high 1.4's euros /litre.
Personally I would avoid the short crossings as this is where any problems are most likely. Recently return UK Roscoff to Plymouth on a Saturday night with the most relaxed crossing for many years.
Jun 24, 2005
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As a caravanner living in France I'd say it's business as usual so don't be put off coming. Our regular crossing back to the UK is Caen-Portsmouth. For famiy reasons we've been to and fro quite a bit this year and there have no problems whatsoever. As RayS says, diesel is expensive now (the UK is cheaper). In fact, most things (except wine and council tax) are dearer now but thats life I guess.
Oct 12, 2013
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Hi all

Not even going to mention politics and brexit as I am sick of reading about it and how it's going to affect our travelling and as for macron - no comment ! I hope the yellow vests crack on and do the other half of the speed cameras that they have started when protesting ;) , safely and unviolently though ......

Paul ; I like that last sentence where you said the wine was cheap ;) that will do us as for the diesel I am not too bothered - as I have money set aside for that and after the last few weeks that we have had I can't wait for France trip to come around , the holiday is paid for , I just have the toll tag to purchase ; I even have the Dartford crossing paid for already and my CL site booked since last September for the day b4 the crossing and the green cards already issued by the insurance company ! Bring it on !! B) :)

Safe travelling .
Oct 12, 2013
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PaulT said:
Craig - where are you heading to?

Domaine de la Brèche
Nov 16, 2015
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Sorry Folks not worth going over for the next two years, just for the change of language and slightly hope of better weather. With the high exchange rate and cost of fuel.
Nov 11, 2009
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EH52ARH said:
Sorry Folks not worth going over for the next two years, just for the change of language and slightly hope of better weather. With the high exchange rate and cost of fuel.
You could always ease back on the throttle and make a saving on cheese and wines :)
Oct 12, 2013
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otherclive said:
EH52ARH said:
Sorry Folks not worth going over for the next two years, just for the change of language and slightly hope of better weather. With the high exchange rate and cost of fuel.
You could always ease back on the throttle and make a saving on cheese and wines :)

That might be a problem for hutch !!
Nov 16, 2015
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Craigyoung said:
otherclive said:
EH52ARH said:
Sorry Folks not worth going over for the next two years, just for the change of language and slightly hope of better weather. With the high exchange rate and cost of fuel.
You could always ease back on the throttle and make a saving on cheese and wines :)

That might be a problem for hutch !!

I am going to take advantage of the Two for one meal prices for OAP's, and use my bus pass, in The Repulic of Yorkshire, for all going over, enjoy your holidays Maybe next year after all my decorating.
Aug 9, 2010
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RayS said:
Don't hold your breath waiting. Just get an IDP and Green card just in case ( depending on your dates) and do it.
Ignore Macron. Most of campsite owners will be delighted to see you. Only downside I can see is that diesel is seriously expensive over there (Macron again) even at supermarkets in the high 1.4's euros /litre.
Personally I would avoid the short crossings as this is where any problems are most likely. Recently return UK Roscoff to Plymouth on a Saturday night with the most relaxed crossing for many years.
Ray, do we need an IDP? I thought that would only be after the B word.
Nov 11, 2009
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emmerson said:
RayS said:
Don't hold your breath waiting. Just get an IDP and Green card just in case ( depending on your dates) and do it.
Ignore Macron. Most of campsite owners will be delighted to see you. Only downside I can see is that diesel is seriously expensive over there (Macron again) even at supermarkets in the high 1.4's euros /litre.
Personally I would avoid the short crossings as this is where any problems are most likely. Recently return UK Roscoff to Plymouth on a Saturday night with the most relaxed crossing for many years.
Ray, do we need an IDP? I thought that would only be after the B word.

Until the UK actually leaves the EU we are still full members and can travel abroad just like we have for years. Although if we should leave before you return then IDPs would be required. There are different ones depending on where you are.
Oct 3, 2013
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As far as I remember before we were in the EU you only required an International Driving Permit for Spain + a "bail bond"
So what's changed now,only whats her name knows - she's frightened to tell us.
I don't think anyone knows what the final deal is supposed to be - just walk away!
Mar 14, 2005
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No at the moment we don't need an IDP or even two if going through France to Spain. Since I understand that IDPs can be obtained only by personal application at selected Post Offices or by submitting licence and ID information by post, these options may not be available to those already overseas when the 'leave' process is introduced.
As we all - wearryingly -know , this date comes and goes and indeed may never happen. So at a relatively low cost, I suggested just getting IDP/s for about £5 before leaving home and then stop worrying. Given the cost of most Continental tours this is a drop in the bucket, whereas not having one and having to fight with - by then probably unfirendly Continental authorities - could seriously ruin your holiday.
Those of us of a certain age took all this plus Carnets plus Green Cards in our stride without benefit of internet, credit cards etc and thought nothing of it.
Just regard it as another fly that needs to be swatted and do it.
Nov 11, 2009
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RayS said:
No at the moment we don't need an IDP or even two if going through France to Spain. Since I understand that IDPs can be obtained only by personal application at selected Post Offices or by submitting licence and ID information by post, these options may not be available to those already overseas when the 'leave' process is introduced.
As we all - wearryingly -know , this date comes and goes and indeed may never happen. So at a relatively low cost, I suggested just getting IDP/s for about £5 before leaving home and then stop worrying. Given the cost of most Continental tours this is a drop in the bucket, whereas not having one and having to fight with - by then probably unfirendly Continental authorities - could seriously ruin your holiday.
Those of us of a certain age took all this plus Carnets plus Green Cards in our stride without benefit of internet, credit cards etc and thought nothing of it.
Just regard it as another fly that needs to be swatted and do it.

Agreed and don’t let’s forget the infamous exchange controls that limited the amount of money you could take out as cash. And in that era cards hadn’t been invented nor had the infamous Eurocheque. So it was cash or nothing. Yet as you say we still had enjoyable holidays abroad.
Jul 18, 2017
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TBH even if Brexit happened tomorrow while you are overseas I doubt very much if they would enforce pet injections and driving licenses the next day. There will probably be a transition period of about 2 years. Last year when we visited France we found it to be a lot more expensive than the UK especially diesel. Although the ferry cost to Spain is dearer, Spain is probably the better option.
Oct 3, 2013
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HI Otherclive,
From memory the cash limit you could take abroad was because of a particular financial situation the country got into - nothing to do with not being in the EU.
Bye the way renewed passport, did it on line it took 1 week,expected to arrive by special delivery tomorrow,looking forward to see what colour it will be and also if it is marked "european union"
Nov 11, 2009
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bertieboy1 said:
HI Otherclive,
From memory the cash limit you could take abroad was because of a particular financial situation the country got into - nothing to do with not being in the EU.
Bye the way renewed passport, did it on line it took 1 week,expected to arrive by special delivery tomorrow,looking forward to see what colour it will be and also if it is marked "european union"

I never said the limit on cash taken abroad was due to the EU as it predated our membership. In fact it was due to the country’s finances being in such dire straits. Currency control was one of the requirements imposed on UK.
My point was that even under such restrictions and having to convert the cash to a number of currencies as one travelled through Europe, and face border passport controls etc it was still possible to go abroad and enjoy the holiday.

Edit. In 1966 the allowance was £50 in non cash such as travellers cheques and £15 Sterling.
Nov 2, 2005
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Hi Ray
Seen your comment as I have been away I am out of touch with whats what.

What is actually needed for going across the water you mention IDP (international driving licence) ??
Is this a requirement and what does that entail?
Nov 11, 2009
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smiley said:
Hi Ray
Seen your comment as I have been away I am out of touch with whats what.

What is actually needed for going across the water you mention IDP (international driving licence) ??
Is this a requirement and what does that entail?

Nothing is required to "cross the water" we are still fully paid up members of the EU. Cars, people pets etc all as normal; at least until 31 Oct 2019 :evil:
Mar 14, 2005
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As stated at the moment we don't need IDP or green card, although I notice recent car insurance renewal does mention asking them for a green card (free) for European use. May be worth checking this with your insurer.
As for IDP, my comment was probably influenced by my habitual pattern of being in France from mid September until end October each year - if followed this year would probably need the IDP unless we have yet another delay or even cancellation of Brexit.
I'm sure the information will be on Gov. website, but as I understand it you need you current driving licince, passport photo, and £5 at specified post offices ( again search online) and that's that. However, in years ago you needed a different version for France and Spain which probably means two IDPs and there may be further requirements for trips to multiple European countries.. CMHC etc. sholud have details.


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