Hmmm, I think I put that across a bit wrong.
It's not my first grandchild, for the first one ( dauhter No 1)we took over the daddys waiting room, me, hubby, daughter No 2, my son and wife (girlfriend at the time and who are the new parents of the other night)
Son and daughter live over wittering, so can't just jump in the car.
I will be exstatic when I see the little darling.
But I am well known to my family that once asleep not even thunder wakes me.
What I meant about sleeping through the night refers to when I was carrying my little darlings (that once was)! I slept every night without a murmur.
Don't give me grief I get alot of my siblings (especially my 2 older sisters)as I am the baby of the my family and the only grandparent. None of their off spring have produced. But I think their kids are getting a bit past it now, their all older than my kids.
You have a good memory LB, I do watch and read posts but not as much as I would like. Its been quite quiet recently, but I put that to people being on their hols.
enough waffling for oe night.