Green Taxes

May 12, 2006
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It seems the Sunday Papers are full of the different political parties trying to out do each other on who can invent the most green taxes.

Why not tax vehicles that emit above a certain level of gases at the point of sale ??

It seems easy to just add say another 20 % onto the sale price and collect it from the motor dealer. That's what they do with VAT. When using this method you are not introducing a tax that can be viewed as retrospective. After all when I purchased my 4x4 no mention of a 100% Road Fund licence increase was on the cards, as it is now. These green taxes smack of Envy, and of another money grabing scam from the goverment.

If green taxes raised say £100 million give this money to good R&D institutions and ask them to come up with a new filter, that can be retrofitted to all vehicles to stop pollution.

Then I would start to believe they had concerns for the environment. Most MPs are stupid with no Business or Engineering Skills to talk about, so they can only think taxes and more laws etc. The whole thing will end in tears when we become the most green taxed country in the world. But by then Tony and Gordon and others of that ilk will have moved onto retirement with indexed pensions etc, paid for by the people they have screwed for years.It never stops.

Feb 3, 2006
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I am against taxes on anything as a way of preventing global warming. The wealthy can just carry on regardless.

What about a limit on the number of plane journeys you can make in a year ?

A ban on importing unseasonal fruit & veg by air ?

A limit on the amount of electricity, gas or oil consumption per head per household ?

Oh yes, and ban 4x4's !!!!!!!!!!

Any other ideas ?
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi, I think it has been reported both on TV radio and newspapers this week,that the UK is responsible for only 2% of all emissions that could possibly contribute to global warming, so until the politicians do something about the other 98%, I do not believe they are sincere and all this talk of green taxes is more political posturing. On the subject of 4x4 debate, if you own a large vehicle, whether 4x4 or not, you already pay more tax by way of fuel, VAT, and licence so lets not pretend the 4x4 owners need to be taxed even further on the pretence of saving the planet, it is all political posturing, and best ignored.


I tend to agree with the comments. With the US and China contributing to over 50% of all pollution I really don't think anything we do here will have more than a miniscule effect.

However, an excuse to tax anything that moves, and blame it on keeping the planet green is something the politicians just cannot miss. Of course, not one penny will be redirected to improving public transport. If air line traffic does decline, then the tax revenues also decline, and who would pay the MP's postage costs then? The railways are swamped now, and can only cope if new lines are built. Fat chance of that. It is a case of tax you out, so, an MP can travel in more comfort.

There is one answer.

Write to your MP and state that until he/she/it makes his/her/it views known on this, you will not be voting for him/her/it. Get enough letters in and you can bet the measures will be dropped. Just look what happened with faith schools.
May 12, 2006
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I recently tried to take a coach from Glasgow to Aberdeen they are full both ways all day. I asked in the ticket office why ?? the answer " Because they are full of the over 60s going down to Glasgow for the day , and they are full of the over 60s going up to Aberdeen for the day " Of course this is free in the Socialist Republic of Scotland, along with Health Care, and Uni Tuition Fees. God help us when the English wake up!!!.

sorry slightly off topic

Val & Frank
Mar 14, 2005
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Interesting topic on the news this morning about a small community in Cornwall that has taken itself to London to protest about the closure of its Post Office and now the local school.

I do believe that we are "waking up". Other nations have always said that we as a nation are very laid back untill we have our backs to the wall and given no choice.

I think Rural Britain is fast approaching this wake up call.
Mar 14, 2005
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The more money paid in taxes the less there is for everything else. I have a 4x4,it has a very good emmission level of 166 which compars favourably with many 'normal' cars. If I have to pay additional tax on it then so be it, but other things will have to go. I currently fund a Kenyan girl through school - I will stop doing this and many other voluntary but not critical things before I give up the car.

This green tax issue is an excuse for governments to tax you to the hilt with no promise of any returns. Emperor and clothes comes to mind.


Will Prescott lead by example and give up his Jags?? Does what he did with his secretary come under the terms of 'carbon trading schemes'? Just curious.
May 12, 2006
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Green Taxes will be Gordon Browns nightmare. Tony talking up Tax just when Gordon is about to take over.

For sure the green lobby won't be getting my vote, they did once before, but never again. This is a con. I worked for 18 months in China do you know what most Chinese people want ?? A/C Units and sorry Gordon these don't run on fresh air, thats why they need more & more coal fired stations. Coal is cheap in China, Oil or Gas or heavens forbids Nuclear don't come cheap.Does anyone really think the Chinese will change because we increase tax on Fuel ? So Gordon wants to be a World Leader on Green Issues well son you can't be a World Leader if your not in Office. Jack McConnel will be next he is another who thinks he's a world leader.

Val & Frank
May 12, 2006
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Sorry forgot to add, why don't we reduce speed limits to 40mph,and go back to the three day week. If it's as terrible as Tony makes out !! these seem sensible ideas. Turn off all Street Lighting.( Asbos will control the hooligns ). And why do we have to stand at traffic lights in the middle of the night waiting for the Green. Could we not go to flashing amber at say midnight to 6 am.

Why do we not turn left on a red light if nothing is coming?? See if you think it through you can see what a con raising taxes is.

Val & frank
Aug 28, 2005
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without global warming , none fo us would be here in the UK ,most of this country was covered in ice up to a mile thick in places ,the english channel was dry ,the celtic people walked over here ,and as the ice melted the sea levels rose ,which formed the English channel ,the river Thames was a tributary of the Rhine ,seas rising and land disappering is nothing new its been going on for thousands of years ,no doubt in thousands of years we will all disappear as well ,thats nature ,all this goverment is doing is looking for ways to rob us ,so they can fund some group or cause
May 12, 2006
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WHY not give people an incentive rather than a punishment. If you cut your Gas or Electric consumption by 10% we will reduce your VAT by 5%etc. It's always a stick never a carrot.

Val & Frank
Mar 22, 2006
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To be honest increased road tax on 4x4 vehicles is likely to make me use mine more, not less.

We have a Landrover as a towcar but for economy AND because it is more environmentaly friendly we had a Clio. I cannot get shot of the Land Rover and pull the van with the Clio but with increased tax burden I cant justify keeping both vehicles. So a landrover that was doing a couple of thousand miles a year is now likely to be doing 10 - 12 thousand. If I balance it over the year it would probably be cheaper to keep the Clio but having to fork out big fees for tax and parking etc mean that I cant justify it.

Aug 25, 2006
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I`m sorry, I really can`t see what the big isue is here.

Look, we each pay Gordon Brown a couple of grand each a year and the problem of global warming will go away, until next year when we`ll each pay three grand, and so on.

This will help to save us from the catastrophe which may or may not occur (depending upon which "expert" with whatever vested interest is speaking this week). But we`ll have paid anyway just to be sure.

So lets all do whatever we can.

Make sure you are double glazed, have suffient insulation, a new boiler, and cover your house with solar panels except where you have mounted windmills. If you haven`t already done this, get on with it!

After all, we all have to do our bit, and it`s not as though you have to pay VAT on any of the above is it? I mean, there can`t be `cos they`re not doing it for the money.

Are they?
Mar 4, 2006
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If the Government want's us to save energy, why have they put the clocks back? we now have to burn more electricity for lighting in offices and homes.
Feb 3, 2006
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WHY not give people an incentive rather than a punishment. If you cut your Gas or Electric consumption by 10% we will reduce your VAT by 5%etc. It's always a stick never a carrot.

Val & Frank
I think if you reduce your consumption by 10% the VAT will be 10% less anyway !
Apr 11, 2005
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I thick we need to start look at pint the thing that are out there in to ashen as it se there plant of out there for us to use but they are not on the market yet or the government seem to be strolling on thing get on the market so they can bring out all these tax to make money out of use and a lot of the super markets need to look at there packering.

As a lot of it is made out of un recycle things.

The wrest one be is the meat counters and the veg counters.

Jun 29, 2004
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On a more positive note have you noticed how Tesco are doing their bit?

They allow you to buy unripe fruit so you can ripen it at home, if it ever does or if it rots first.

I have a new tee shirt, It says 'I ripen fruit for Tesco's, cos they do not seem able to do it themselves'.

Thank you for allowing me a 'Victor Moment'.

Mar 14, 2005
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A while ago the government commisioned a report that recommended linking pensions to earnings, couldn't do it they said far too expensive, result report filed and forgotten. Report this week on 'global warming' produced for the government by an economist,must increase taxes instantly,if we are to survive,why the difference, one would cost them money which is ours anyway, the other will cost us money which is ours anyway, why can't we decide what our money wil be spent on.Come on Gordon trust us.
Mar 14, 2005
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I am rather puzzled by this rush by all the major political parties to pile on Green Taxes. Can anyone explain to me how by paying the chancellor more money we can make the issue of global warming go away? Does Gordon have a magic wand?

It is a matter of historic record that the temperature of the world has changed in the past, at times being several degrees colder during the ice ages and several degrees warmer at other times. The changes we are seeing today, could just be part of the Earths natural rhythm.

Despite that possibility, I do believe we may be accelerating climate change and so we should use energy and all the worlds' resources more carefully.

Taxation is a very negative method of control, There should be other more constructive ways of encouraging people to be more energy conscious, rather than taxing everything.

Simply by the action of inflation and the overall growth of the economy the chancellors available budget increases year on year, but we have seen additional tax burdens loaded on top of everything. - We have to live within our incomes, so why not government.
Aug 4, 2004
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I have given up on the number of rumours pertaining to this subject concerning vehicle tax. On a previous discussion someone said that it was to soften us up for an increase, i.e figures being bandied about at last call where in their thousands, now it is in the hundreds. My bet is that it will be an 10% increase at the next budget on road tax.

Brown is no greener than a factory polluting the skies with soot. If he was so green why are we taxed on bio-diesel and also recyled oil, i.e. fish shop oil which you can use in your diesel?


The point made about variations in the natural climate of the world are correct. In Chaucer's time grapes for wine were grown across much of England, while later in the 1500's the temperature dropped so low the Thames froze and people died in droves. There are other instances of drastic change such as the Vikings didn't colonise Greenland just because it was ice covered, and left when it became so.

Yes, pollution will no doubt exacerbate changes to the climate, but the world will react in its own way to compensate. However, the human race may not like the changes. However, as has already been mentioned, until China and the US decide to play ball, then anything done here is a waste of time, unless you are the Chancellor collecting the money.
Apr 11, 2005
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In the Chad (which is one of owe lowell paper.).

A man had write a letter say that he had ask all the supermarkets round were we live to if they would put LPG one there forecourts' and all of them said there is not enough protein it to do it.

Apr 11, 2005
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On a more positive note have you noticed how Tesco are doing their bit?

They allow you to buy unripe fruit so you can ripen it at home, if it ever does or if it rots first.

I have a new tee shirt, It says 'I ripen fruit for Tesco's, cos they do not seem able to do it themselves'.

Thank you for allowing me a 'Victor Moment'.

i bet you get the frut in a plasic litte bag and thats not recycle.

I bet the only reys they let you buy unripe so they do not have to keep it in there store take up room whot they cud use for some think els amd i bet it cost mor.


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