Ground sheets

Mar 14, 2005
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Hi all, New season, new van new awning all i need now is a new ground sheet, got to be breathable been told about Bolon never seen any but lets give it a go anybody who knows where you can get bolon from let us know i live on the north west thanks paul
Mar 14, 2005
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Only my opinion, but breathable groundsheets are a total waste of money. After a couple of days the grass grows through them and, it the ground is at all damp, you even get wormcasts sprouting through. I think nothing is better. I always use a real groundsheet and, yes, the grass goes yellow after a week. But it never lasts long and soon greens up again. [There, that will get all the open-toed sandal brigage banging on their environmental drums.] If you are detemined to get a breathable groundsheet, try mail order - and follow the link to caravanning - groundsheets.
Dec 24, 2003
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Hello Paul. Bolon is a subsidiary of Iasabella Awnings. They sell it at Barrons at Chorley.I wanted a particular colour which Barrons didn't have in stock, so thy ordered it from Isabella: delivered direct to my address.
Mar 14, 2005
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Paul. Take no notice of zbungle. On busy sites the ground would soon be covered in large brown patches if everyone had his selfish attitude to groundsheets.

And no Mr zbungle I am not an open-toed sandal wearing environmentalist, just some one with a bit of consideration for others!
Mar 14, 2005
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If your pitch is covered in a large brown patch, just put your awning there, put down a plastic groundsheet and, hey presto, everybody is happy (with the possible exception of Mr Miller and his green wellies).
Mar 14, 2005
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I belong to both ;-) When I go onto a site to camp, i.e. erect a tent and sleep in it, you will find that there are a lot of us with the tendency to put down solid, non-breathable ground sheets. After all, would you want to put your airbed onto damp grass and wormcasts? Get up in the morning and stand in a puddle? Funny, I don't recall the world coming to an end or remember seeing too many campsites with no grass or only bare, brown patches. If you have a bedroom annexe to your caravan awning are you expected to rip out the solid groundsheet and replace it with Bolon? I think not.
Mar 14, 2005
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No, on occasions, just leave them lifted for the day to let the ground recover.

Sorry Paul we seem to have hijacked your thread.
Mar 14, 2005
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NOW NOW BOYS! all i wanted to know was about groundsheets. I bet it's fun with you two fighting over the TV remote at home. If you ever meet on a site please let the United Nations know has thay could arrange a peace keeping force to be available
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Paul - I know you only wanted to know where to get a suitable groundsheet from, hence the apology for the hijack.

Just to conclude this, I have spoken to the Caravan Club today. Their policy is that if you use waterproof groundsheets in your awning you must lift them regularly to let the ground recover. If you do not the wardens are likely to reprimand you.

The Caravan Club have published articles about this in the past.


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