Heating Poverty

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Jan 19, 2008
NP Dusty. I'd like to do the same with my BIL but don't think I could live with myself. I've never been a snitch and at this time of my life I don't want to start now.

LB You should be ashamed of yourself with what you have wrote on this and other forums about cheats. It's ok if it is in the family then ??? but everyone else is a cheat lmao
As I said, some in life can live with being a snitch and you're obviously one by your comments. I cannot, simple as that but I wouldn't expect you to understand that. Nothing to do with family.
Jan 19, 2008
Oops sorry, I never looked at it from the feminist point of view :O)

So it's the fella's queuing at the doors fault is it? Doesn't morals, self respect, responsibilty on the females part come into it?

No, guess not, it's those nasty men taking advantage of poor vulnerable females :O(


Mar 14, 2005
Doesn't morals, self respect, responsibilty on the females part come into it? - Yep it does but we're not all the same are we?
May 25, 2008
LB "As I said, some in life can live with being a snitch and you're obviously one by your comments".

100 % Correct I would report anyone stealing, which is what benefit cheats are they are thieves.


I like this definition

a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess


Mar 14, 2005
Lets keep the personal digs out of the topic please.

As seems to be the case, every time a topic of this kind is started, personalities start to get involved and it ends up in it being a personal war of words between a minority of posters.

Please do not let this be another deleted topic.
Jan 19, 2008
Lets keep the personal digs out of the topic please.

As seems to be the case, every time a topic of this kind is started, personalities start to get involved and it ends up in it being a personal war of words between a minority of posters.

Please do not let this be another deleted topic.
Sorry but Dumbo can't help himself.
Mar 24, 2009
Had a walk through town yesterday and was surprised how many 'children' are pushing a baby in a pram with a toddler as well.

Is it something to do with the water that's causing it I wonder, of course I do know who's paying for it all.
Mar 14, 2005
Seems to be a peculiarly UK phenomenon. Hardly a week goes by without the issue of teenage mothers in the UK being brought up on German TV in their European current affairs programmes. It's almost voyeuristic in the way they seem to revel in impish glee in reporting on the subject.
Jan 19, 2008
Sad but true Lutz. At least it proves your media are telling you the truth. The problem is some people keep trying to make excuses for how they behave. Social Services are now so politically correct that they no longer put the childs interests first hence the high number of infant deaths happening in drug/alcohol fuelled homes. When a child dies heads roll but these heads are only following the guidelines/doctrine of the time. A high profile head of Social Services is now sueing for loss of earnings after being sacked and no doubt she will win her case costing the taxpayer another
May 25, 2008
I would like to point out I am just debating this topic and nothing else. I haven't stooped down to calling names etc.

I will admit to pointing out a basic fact of advocating something for everyone else, and not applying it to your own.

If that is against forum rules please remove my post.

LB is just flame baiting as he can't debate the fact that he condones stealing from the state.


I think Gumbo has been the rational one here, each case each scenario has to be judged on its own, and not just a blanket thrown over all cases.

I am sure there are plenty of scroungers out there,and yet am as sure many are in this unhappy situation because of good circumstances.

And anyone who brushes off good circumstances as not good enough,well one could say people should save for there old age and not get help with heating, but circumstances applies to them as well.

As for ALL these young girls being pregnant,Well anyone under 35 looks young to me, I would hardy trust my judgement if a girl was 17 or 25, and have people forgotten this has always been the age group for women having babies,married or not......
Jan 19, 2008
I would like to point out I am just debating this topic and nothing else. I haven't stooped down to calling names etc.

I will admit to pointing out a basic fact of advocating something for everyone else, and not applying it to your own.

If that is against forum rules please remove my post.

LB is just flame baiting as he can't debate the fact that he condones stealing from the state.
Flamebaiting? Flamebaiting who?

All I did was say that it's not in my nature to snitch on anyone and family has nothing to do with it. My BIL is no different to anyone else who cheats the system and I didn't say otherwise inspite of yourself inferring I did. Just because it's not in my nature to tittle tattle doesn't make me a hypocrite as you say ;O)
Jan 19, 2008
Quote .... "I would hardy trust my judgement if a girl was 17 or 25, and have people forgotten this has always been the age group for women having babies,married or not."

Maybe so but how many times does a teenage female need to become pregnant before learning the cause?
Mar 14, 2005
Some while back on this topic I was reminded of the point that pensions are paid for by the worker and that one person's contribution was paid out to another person's pension.

"Colin don't forget you haven't saved up for your pension, the money you paid in was paid out the following week to someone else. So we need young people to have children or no one will be in work to pay the NI for your pension."

Yes I agree and I have no objection to my contribution to the pension pot being paid to a retired fellow worker. What I do object to is my contribution being paid to the professional lame sick and lazy brigade.

Regarding my own case. For the past 30 years I was contracted out of the state scheme and paid superanuation as a College Lecturer. I am as yet not old enough to qualify for state pension. I took early retirement as a result of suffering two TIAs. At present my wife and I are living off her state pension and my Teacher's pension for which I am paying income tax on. When I retired I enquired with the DHSS whether my stamp for state pension would still be required to be paid. I was told that as I had worked all my life my stamp was fully up to date. If I had therefore worked until I was 65 I would have contributed more than what was necessary and covered the pension for some one else, possibly a parasite or possibly a fully paid up retired worker - who knows. I also enquired if I was entitled to any form of payment for being out of work on sick to which I was firmly told NO even though I had never made a claim in my working life - all we had was family allowance for the children and normal sick pay for when I was ill - flu, etc. - normal illnesses for which most have us have had a week or two off work. If either my wife or self end up in a care home we will have to pay for the home fees. Those who have scrounged off society will have their fees paid for them by the local health authority. My wife and I have worked all our lives to provide a decent home for the children and hopefully after our days be able to leave them a little nest egg to provide for added luxuries for them and our grandchildren.

This is what makes me sick to the back teeth with this country - the bigger the waster you are the more state benefits you get.
May 25, 2008

have you phoned this number yet

If you know of anyone stealing benefits you can contact the National Benefit Fraud Hotline on 0800 854 440. Your call is free and confidential. Lines are open 7.00am - 11.00pm, 7 days a week.

If you haven't your not as sick to your back teeth that you indicate you are in your post.
Mar 14, 2005
The reson I have not shopped the person is that he is my ex SIL and my grandchildren could possibly suffer as a consequence. He does contribute financially to my daughter for their care, etc. and does take them away on holidays - as a father to his children he cannot be faulted regarding their needs - he is just not a good role model for their future working lives.


Well Colin regarding your First post concerning your attack on these young mothers!

I find your latest post not only falling foul of your original statement, but also you are playing Double standards where it concerns your Family!

How can you Attack one group and then defend another scrounger merely because he takes your grandchildren away on holiday, with our tax money! Not amused.....
Mar 14, 2005
I will agree to the outsider it could be classed as double standards but knowing the personal circumstances of the life of my grandchildren I would find it very hard to do anything that would be detremental to their well being. I am drawn between two standards - whether to do right by the country or whether to do right by my grandchildren - what would you do under the circumstances?


OK I cannot say,not being in that situation, but then I will not make statements lambasting others over the welfare state,as I said each one is an individual case so I try not to generalize.

OK its a tough call.
Mar 26, 2008
Having read this thread,one question springs to mind.How many of you out there with your "comfortable lifestyles",claim child benefit for your national average of 2.5 children? The undercurrent of what has been said on this matter from the various contributors,suggest that they are in a position to afford their offspring,so why do they claim?Why?...because they can and not because they need it.So,on that premise,are'nt all those in this position,benefit fraudsters?Perhaps if the "comfortable lifestyle" people stopped claiming there would be more money in the pot and less witch hunts on the more vunerable in society today.
Mar 24, 2009
Hi Lady C, I think you are missing the point slightly, the problem not having enough money to go round is the fact that people are claiming allowances fraudulently.

Not, receiving benefits that your are clearly entitled to.

The country clearly should have better control of my/our money and give it to those who are entitled to it.
Jan 19, 2008
Having read this thread,one question springs to mind.How many of you out there with your "comfortable lifestyles",claim child benefit for your national average of 2.5 children? The undercurrent of what has been said on this matter from the various contributors,suggest that they are in a position to afford their offspring,so why do they claim?Why?...because they can and not because they need it.So,on that premise,are'nt all those in this position,benefit fraudsters?Perhaps if the "comfortable lifestyle" people stopped claiming there would be more money in the pot and less witch hunts on the more vunerable in society today.
Love the final sentence ;O)
Jan 19, 2008
Hi Lady C, I think you are missing the point slightly, the problem not having enough money to go round is the fact that people are claiming allowances fraudulently.

Not, receiving benefits that your are clearly entitled to.

The country clearly should have better control of my/our money and give it to those who are entitled to it.
Exactly Chris, if you've paid in why feel guilty about taking what you're legally entitled to.


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