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Jan 19, 2008
Hmmmmmm so I see Gallant Gas (I address you in a more PC correct manner hehheh!), what sheltered lives some people must lead. The posting was such a surprise that somehow I feel it may be a wind up. Like you, I chose the nic to give a bit of light hearted relief to people. I can make serious posts but in general I prefer to smile and laugh. O.K. some might think might nic is childish but do I give a toss about them, no I don't. They really do need to lighten up and not take life so seriously, we only have a limited amount of time to enjoy ourselves so I will do the all I can to make sure my family, friends and myself have the best time possible. I'm totally against the use of 4 letter words etc. in these forums or even certain taboo subjects but surely a bodily function that starts at birth and ends when we die cannot be offensive to anyone. Even small children laugh at it and its the one subject, be it jokes or actions in comedies (Peter Sellers springs to mind in the lift sketch)that will get people laughing. That is with the exception of Dusty who must walk around all day with a cork up his jacksy hehheh! Somehow I think Moddy2 will delete this post or like Lisa said, I will get an email :O( hehheh!
Jan 19, 2008
Errmm I heard that!! Lol

Nice to see you back Lord B ;O) BTW the surname is not Windyblows - its' worse! But I'm not letting on!! Haha!
Thank you Wendy, its nice to be back but it would have been even nicer if there hadn't been the bad feeling when I was away. Nice to see Brian, Lisa etc. still posting though. :O)
Jul 5, 2005

thought about changing my nic to Holden McGroin, or perhaps Liz Bean but I think that would be going toooo far...

perhaps Mr C. Lion c/o Edinburgh Zoo would be far more sensible!

good to have you back LB.

Mark (",)
Mar 14, 2005
Lord Braykewynde,

First time I have had the pleasure to correspond with you, nice to hear that you enjoyed the Strid, did you see any woodpeckers feeding at the wardens bird table.

I too share your views with regards to Dusty comments, some of the names are hilarious expecally from north of the border( the border being above Essex.)

When I joined this forum under the old set up, prior to William Caxton brilliant invention, I used my name of Roy, other Roys appeared so I changed to Royston.

Since then I have discovered that Roy, is from the old French meaning King.

So alas we both share Royal connections!!

Mar 14, 2005
Lord Braykewynde,

First time I have had the pleasure to correspond with you, nice to hear that you enjoyed the Strid, did you see any woodpeckers feeding at the wardens bird table.

I too share your views with regards to Dusty comments, some of the names are hilarious expecally from north of the border( the border being above Essex.)

When I joined this forum under the old set up, prior to William Caxton brilliant invention, I used my name of Roy, other Roys appeared so I changed to Royston.

Since then I have discovered that Roy, is from the old French meaning King.

So alas we both share Royal connections!!

maybe so Royston, but only owners of proper caravans have ROYALE conections!
Jan 19, 2008
Hello Royston, no we didn't see the woodpeckers but a bird that seemed to take a liking to our van, a pheasant, had an habit of cackleing at daybreak and fluffing his feathers under our window. It was nice to hear the curlews and lapwings though. While at Low Manesty it was cuckoos, first thing in the morning till evening.

While at Low Manesty I had the most pleasant surprise, those who have been there will know what I mean. When walking through the gate from the site on the walk towards Lake Derwent the view is one of the best I have seen in the world, it is better than any view Ive seen in real life or on photos. Looking down the lake and then the otherway up Borrowdale made me think if I could build my castle it would be there. Then I came to my senses as a raindrop hit me on the nose which made me change my mind ;O) My biggest disappointment was I never saw any red squirrels :O(


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