Hello ! Anne - 1st time old caravan owner !

May 4, 2015
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Hello All,

I have just bought what I think is a 1970's Avondale Sandmartin, I know nothing about it as there are no plates to be found anywhere and my plan is to give it a bit of a makeover - never done anything like this before !

Started off as an avid camper, went up to a very old, basic folding camper then a penine pathfinder! Have just split from husband who is insisting on selling the folding camper as he doesn't like camping and sees no reason to keep it so I bought an old caravan in secret on ebay and have ferreted it away on a siblings drive! It's quite old fashioned but appears to be in reasonable nick. A previous owner had removed the toilet so I have bought a second hand cassette toilet to fit myself... :eek:hmy: - the learning curve will start with a steep one! But I am determined to get it in even if it means no electrics to run the flush!

My first task is to identify the model etc so I know the specs in order to insure it and then buy the bits I need a little at a time (as I am unemployed for the first time in 24yrs and have a chronic illness which is preventing me from working at the mo) - probably not the best time to be starting a project but I am looking forward to sourcing items free to do it up ! - probably revealing far too much here but I have just escaped from an abusive relationship (police action current) so this project is designed to also take my mind off things and allow me to produce something positive in what is a very negative time for me. So I'm in constant pain with my illness, involved in a police investigation against my husband and I choose to buy an old caravan in secret and do it up! Sounds perfectly logical to me !?!? :woohoo:

I am looking for someone to help me and advise so I hope I have piqued someone's interest in sharing their knowledge here ! Please don't hesitate, share ! Because although I have done two seasons in a folding camper, everything in that worked so I was never called upon to fix anything ! - I am absolutely clueless but hope to come out the other end with some new skills !

I plan to take the van to camp in June so I best get a move on too!

Feb 6, 2009
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Hi Anne and welcome to the forum,
I have done alittle digging around on the Internet to see if I could find anything useful...

Here are some sites that may provide useful info:

Sometimes the "for sale" adverts can provide useful information as they often provide photos and sizes dimensions etc.,
I have included a link to www.arcsystems.biz
as the owner ( Gary) is an absolute wizard and has a lot of owners manuals etc for the sort of heating systems that may be fitted to your new van.

Good luck and remember there's lots of folks here on the forum, with a wealth of knowledge and experience only too happy to share good solutions to the usual sort of problems with most caravans...
Mar 14, 2005
If you look above the entrance door on the inside of your van you may have a label screwed to the wall. The number is your build number and the first two digits are usually the build year.


Nov 12, 2009
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Hi Anne
It's always sad when a marriage doesn't work out but I'm sure you won't need us to tell you that whenever (alleged) abuse is involved you're much better off out of it. :(
You are starting a new chapter of your life and there is a wealth of knowledge and advice available on this forum at the click of a mouse which should help you to realise your ambition of becoming a touring caravanner.
There are no 'silly questions' so whatever you want to know about caravans or any aspect of our hobby, just ask :)
Having introduced yourself you may be better served if you post your questions requiring advice to the Technical message board where there will be a higher probability of receiving answers that will help you to complete your interesting project.
Of course, there are also message boards for gossip, jokes and general on-line conversation so please make as much use of them as you wish to.
Good Luck


Mar 17, 2007
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Hi Anne welcome to the forum. I am sure that the van will provide plenty of de-stressing time in the midst of a very difficult time. As others have said there are plenty of technically minded people on here who can help; but please get the gas and electrics checked by suitably qualified technicians. Explosions are rarely enjoyable. ;)
Apr 9, 2006
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Hello Anne, welcome.
A therapy caravan!!
You have done the very best thing in joining the PC Forum, where you are sure to find answers to any questions you may have. Just post in the relevant section and remember, no question is too trivial to answer. We have very knowledgeable folk on here who will be only too pleased to help you with the more technical stuff, so don't worry about anything.
Very good advice about getting the gas and electrics checked by experts and it may be advisable to have a damp check done before you start a major overhaul.
Happy and safe caravanning to you :)


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