Apr 3, 2013
As the title says, Hello all.

I'm a proper caravan newbie in that we haven't even bought one yet, but having read most of the last year's issues of Practical Caravan we've got some ideas.

I don't know if this is the right forum for this or if it should be in tow cars, but our 61 plate Skoda Octavia is the 1.4 TSI version with a kerbweight of 1180kg and a max towing capacity of 1800kg. This seems like a large variation so I'm wondering if I might be out on the kerbweight as I'm taking it off the internet. Does the 85% rule come from the kerbweight of the max towing weight which is almost similar to the max car weight. If it's the latter then I can tow something around 1500kg, but if its off the kerbweight then my options are really limited for a 4 berth vcaravan.

Any information would be greatly appreciated so we can start looking at suitable caravans, I know that Towsafe can help me out, but at £3 a go I need to find a short list of caravans first before I start just guessing and it would be nice to have a suitable ballpark to start with.

Many thanks
Feb 3, 2008
hello cakeboy

Welcome to the forum and enjoy caravanning when you get it.

The 85% recommendation (it's not a rule) is based on the kerbweight, so your choices are limited. Also this 85% weight must be below the max tow weight permitted. There is a section in the magazine which goes into the various weights and licence categories.

Personally I think a 1.4 engine is a bit low for towing a caravan (OK for a small trailer) but it does depend on the engine power and torque.

Have a good time in the future.
Jan 15, 2011
Hi and welcome to the forum.
You will get some great advice from the very experienced members of this forum and I will leave it to them to offer you specific advise. However with reference to the towing web site you mentioned I can advise you of another one that can give you a good indication of what you can tow but at no actual cost. Just google. What Tow Car.
By following the instructions and entering your details you will get a good idea of what you can tow.
at least you will get an indication of the weight of van your car will be able to handle.
I should say you need to always confirm any figures given by doing you own sums with regards to car weight, caravan weight etc,
best regards Brian
Apr 20, 2009
Welcome to the forum cakeboy.
Post your question in the tow car section and you will get more replies
Nice to see you are doing the research before taking the plunge, take you time get the right match and you will enjoy
your new found freedom.
Good luck and ask as many questions as you like. we all started at the beginning.


Nov 12, 2009
Hi Cakeboy, welcome to the Practical Caravan forum

As suggested, post your question on the Tow Cars message board to receive more replies. A 4 berth Bailey Ranger would probably be close to 100% of your vehicle kerbweight and would be rather heavy for a 1.4 litre engine to pull, so you might be better to consider a lightweight caravan or even a trailer tent but somebody might be able to suggest something else.
Apr 3, 2013
Thanks for the input people, much appreciated. Now just to wait and see what the good people in the tow car forum have to say
Jun 20, 2005
Welcome Cakeboy

Many years ago we had a similar dilemma. The car we had was not heavy enough for the caravan we wanted. So it was abck to the drawing board.
Anyway glad you are finding the forum useful


Mar 17, 2007
Hi Cakeboy, welcome to the forum. Hope you solve your tow car issue. Are you looking for a two berth or do you need a family van?
Jan 17, 2013
Hello Cakeboy79, Welcome from a newish member, As posted before, you`ll get plenty of advise from better qualified members. However, a quick thought on your car. I believe the towing limit to be 1200kg which will impose limits on your choice of van. (ours was 1300kg). Lunar offer 2 layouts in the "venus" range which are 1190kg and 1199kg (both 4 berth) but these are fairly new releases in the starter catagory and therefore not many second hand examples are cheaply available. These light vans will still be over the 85% recommendation. Good luck.
Jan 3, 2012
Hi Cakeboy Welcome to the practical caravan Forum our caravan would suit you it a Bailey Discovery Mercury it got bunks at the front and a fixed bed at the back the Unladed weight 910KG Laded 1130 KG . ( Have a look at a Bailey Ranger 470/4 Caravan) .
I hope you find something suitable for your needs ...............


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