Help - floaty things

Mar 14, 2005
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We have an Elddis Avante and are having some problems with the cold water. Since wintering the van, when you run cold water there are floating pieces of what appear to be black mould - not appetising to say the least. I run an aquaroll full of diluted milton fluid through on Saturday and left it in the pipes for a few hours, run a couple of clean water through and it seemed clean enough. Sundfay morning and the floaters are back - any ideas ?


Mar 14, 2005
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Neil - I have exactly the same problem as you, with my 2002 Mendip Magnum 362 (dealer special on Compass 362).So it's also an Explorer Group van. Scroll down here to 4th March and see "Black Bits in Water System" - Iestyn, who was one of the respondents. I think it's probably mould, butI haven't cracked it yet. I'm going to try some BruClean (see Brian's response) in the next couple of days, and I'll let you know how I get on. Does your van have any inline filters in the water system? Mine doesn't. By the way, Milton seems to be frowned upon - it can cause some sort of damage, apparently. Regards, Graham
Mar 14, 2005
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I know exactly what you mean ! I presume you have been using Thetford pink top tank flush additive. Well they started selling a top tank cleaner to get rid of the black stuff they have caused in the first place. The cleaner is brilliant. We swopped top tank flush and we no longer have a problem.
Mar 14, 2005
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Neil - I have exactly the same problem as you, with my 2002 Mendip Magnum 362 (dealer special on Compass 362).So it's also an Explorer Group van. Scroll down here to 4th March and see "Black Bits in Water System" - Iestyn, who was one of the respondents. I think it's probably mould, butI haven't cracked it yet. I'm going to try some BruClean (see Brian's response) in the next couple of days, and I'll let you know how I get on. Does your van have any inline filters in the water system? Mine doesn't. By the way, Milton seems to be frowned upon - it can cause some sort of damage, apparently. Regards, Graham
Thanks Graham, I did look at the 'black bits' posting earlier and wasn't sure wether it was compaable as that seemed to be charcoal rather than mould. Like yourselves, we have no inline filter, however I have noticed that there are no particles in the hot water , only the cold so don't think it is a filter problem, more likely the pipes themselves or the pump inlet ? I unfortunately wasn't aware of the Milton situation - too late to worry now, however it was a standard dilution and it was thoroughly rinsed after a few hours.

I look forward to your results from the BruClean.


Mar 14, 2005
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I know exactly what you mean ! I presume you have been using Thetford pink top tank flush additive. Well they started selling a top tank cleaner to get rid of the black stuff they have caused in the first place. The cleaner is brilliant. We swopped top tank flush and we no longer have a problem.
Sorry Dave, our problem is in the drinking water, however I did have the 'flush black bits' problem with an earlier van and switching from Thetford pink to another manufacturer seemed to clear the problem.



Mar 14, 2005
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As one of the other posters has mentioned, if it the Thetford toilet tank, I too had the same problem. I eventually removed the hand flush pump to get a strong hose pipe/jet in there to was it out, then filled it up with a very strong bleach solution and left it for several days. After every trip I thourghly wash the fush tank out to prevent it happening again.

My website -


Mar 14, 2005
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By the way, the same would apply to any water tank, but its a problem more common with Thetford Flush tanks. A probable good cleaner would be some of the cleaning solutions used for brewing.

Fill your tank up with a suitable solution and leave the taps running to flush out the pipework (feed the spent water back into the tank via a filter). Perhaps with a half full tank it would be a godd idea to take the van for a 'rough' run to thourghly wash the inside the tank out. But fushing the pipes out is just as important.
Mar 14, 2005
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Neil - I cleaned the water system out with Brewclean on Thursday afternoon, using the stronger solution in hot water as recommended by Brian, and a maximum contact time of 30 minutes as recommended by my Explorer handbook. That was actually referring to some stuff called Chempro SDP (same sort of thing), but that's no longer made. I then ran about 40 litres of cold water through. A few black/brown bits came out, mostly from the cold system. I ran another 40 litres through 24 hours later, and the water was perfectly clear, as well as tasteless and odourless. So I'll see how it goes now. If you decide to try Bruclean, you can buy it at any home-brewing shop for
Mar 14, 2005
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Neil - I cleaned the water system out with Brewclean on Thursday afternoon, using the stronger solution in hot water as recommended by Brian, and a maximum contact time of 30 minutes as recommended by my Explorer handbook. That was actually referring to some stuff called Chempro SDP (same sort of thing), but that's no longer made. I then ran about 40 litres of cold water through. A few black/brown bits came out, mostly from the cold system. I ran another 40 litres through 24 hours later, and the water was perfectly clear, as well as tasteless and odourless. So I'll see how it goes now. If you decide to try Bruclean, you can buy it at any home-brewing shop for


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