Mar 17, 2025
Hey guys!

New poster here, here on behalf of my mum!

She owns a GL AUTOSLEEPER 1991 / TALBOT Talisman and has a couple of issues she wants to fix!

First up, the awning on the motorhome/caravan/thing is the original model. (Apologies as I'm not too well versed in this.)

The awning itself is an Omnistor 4000 model, and doesn't retract when the jack is inserted and rotated in the opposite direction to retract it. - Is anyone aware of why this might be and any fixes for it? She needs to get this fixed ideally and if that's not possible, removed quickly as she lives in Northern Ireland and the wind is due to pick up this week. She doesn't want it to wreck the van by smashing into it or break due to the wind.

Second up, she had to swerve to avoid some mug in the road who was flying toward her. The left passenger wingmirror is cracked because she knocked a tree, does anyone know where you might be able to get a replacement for it and have a guide on how to replace it?

I'd have a look at it myself to help see if I can fix it or such, but she lives in Northern Ireland whereas I live in England!

I appreciate any help you can provide!
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Mar 14, 2005
Cant help with the awning, but have a look on line for replacement mirror, if its just the glass you should be able to get a stick on replacement glass that just covers the damaged glass, have a look on you tube for video of how to fit it, if you need the whole mirror fitting again look on line for breakers, or suppliers for new one.
Nov 11, 2009
If you cannot get the awning retracted by the time the wind is due to rise find a sheltered spot and rig some temporary guy lines. You can buy small clamps that will grip the awing material and then fit guy lines to them, in addition to the awning fixed points.

Amazon next day delivery too
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