Hey ho

May 10, 2020
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Well wouldn’t you just know it…. Look forward all year to our main trip away and the weather turns rubbish. Been sat here in Shropshire sweating for the pass couple of weeks and now it’s forecast storms and lightning. Just the job to tow down to Plymouth. Still what can you do…. Stiff upper lip and all that.
Nov 30, 2022
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Cherbourg penninsula, very humid indeed, justhad abot 4 minutes of rain, sky very leaden, but 24⁰
The wine is much cooler though!
Ferry out of Poole was very quiet indeed, at leadt 2 totally empty car decks! Out of the port 10 minutes after tge biw door opened, and we wee the third line off the ship. Bet its not that quick on our return to Portsmouth in 3 weeks
Nov 11, 2009
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Cherbourg penninsula, very humid indeed, justhad abot 4 minutes of rain, sky very leaden, but 24⁰
The wine is much cooler though!
Ferry out of Poole was very quiet indeed, at leadt 2 totally empty car decks! Out of the port 10 minutes after tge biw door opened, and we wee the third line off the ship. Bet its not that quick on our return to Portsmouth in 3 weeks
Assume she had secondary doors behind the bow doors. Herald of Free Enterpise etc
Jul 18, 2017
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Cherbourg penninsula, very humid indeed, justhad abot 4 minutes of rain, sky very leaden, but 24⁰
The wine is much cooler though!
Ferry out of Poole was very quiet indeed, at leadt 2 totally empty car decks! Out of the port 10 minutes after tge biw door opened, and we wee the third line off the ship. Bet its not that quick on our return to Portsmouth in 3 weeks
Can we assume this was posted while enjoying your third bottle of wine? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
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