We've been away since last Wednesday at a certified site in the Wye valley and we were due to return home yesterday but the scenery from the site was so beautiful and the weather so nice that we postponed our journey home until this afternoon.
We stayed at a farm about three miles from Chepstow on the Offa's **** footpath about 1.5 miles up a lane from the nearest road.
Across the Wye valley not far away was the atmospheric ruins of Tintern Abbey.
All was idyllic until we came back from a trip to Monmouth on Saturday afternoon. The site hosts tent campers and a group of 'new age' types pitched up in front of our front windows complete with an assortment of old vans which had been converted into camper vehicles.
I asked them to move the large matt black Sherpa which had completely blocked our view and to be fair they did so without complaint.
The trouble was that the site has 'fire pits', circles of large stones where the tent campers all lit large bonfires and by Sunday morning I was having real problems with my breathing (I use inhalers to counter the effects of an industrial disease)
We considered packing up but the campers including the new age travellers in front of us showed signs of leaving so we stuck it out and were rewarded with a return to peace and the song of birds (we heard a cuckoo) and the aerobatic flying displays of the swifts.
It's great to get away but I'm happy to be back, I shall be home for just under three weeks before our next trip away and I have plenty of work in the garden to get on with besides any jobs that Herself finds for me to do.
We stayed at a farm about three miles from Chepstow on the Offa's **** footpath about 1.5 miles up a lane from the nearest road.
Across the Wye valley not far away was the atmospheric ruins of Tintern Abbey.
All was idyllic until we came back from a trip to Monmouth on Saturday afternoon. The site hosts tent campers and a group of 'new age' types pitched up in front of our front windows complete with an assortment of old vans which had been converted into camper vehicles.
I asked them to move the large matt black Sherpa which had completely blocked our view and to be fair they did so without complaint.
The trouble was that the site has 'fire pits', circles of large stones where the tent campers all lit large bonfires and by Sunday morning I was having real problems with my breathing (I use inhalers to counter the effects of an industrial disease)
We considered packing up but the campers including the new age travellers in front of us showed signs of leaving so we stuck it out and were rewarded with a return to peace and the song of birds (we heard a cuckoo) and the aerobatic flying displays of the swifts.
It's great to get away but I'm happy to be back, I shall be home for just under three weeks before our next trip away and I have plenty of work in the garden to get on with besides any jobs that Herself finds for me to do.