Hi fae Fife

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Feb 18, 2013
emmerson said:
Gosh Parksy, is that really me you're talking about?

Tony, Herself and I find ourselves with a few weeks to spend north of the border from abouty the 16th June to early July. We'll probably spend some of that time in Skye (again), but have nothing planned. If we find ourselves in the old Kingdom we may just invite you for a dram. (a very wee one mind, cos we're poor pensioners!)

If you do find yourself in the Kingdom, I would very much like to accept your invitation, that goes vise versa as well. There are some lovely sites around the Fife tourist tail.
Kind Regards
Feb 18, 2013
Parksy said:
ton246 said:
emmerson said:
Parksy/Tony, please accept my sincere apologies for any offence caused. That was not my intention; I simply expressed my personal opinion ie, tourers are for touring, statics are for staying!

Emmerson, absolutly no offence taken, just opinions exspreesed and all that. I would'nt dream of telling you that you had a big pile of money sitting in your drive / storage most of the year, but that's just me
....................now runs and hides
ton246 said:
Thanks Parksy, I have quiet a thick skin, but I can see where you are coming from.
King Regards
Thank you for your apology which is accepted without reservation Emmerson

Tony, Emmerson is a long standing respected and highly valued member of this forum who is liked by everybody and as a tourer owner I can see the point that he was trying to make.
The problem for me was that the point was repeated in the introductory thread that you opened as a new forum member. You may well have a thick skin, and I'm pleased to see that you can give as good as you get and will probably enjoy the jokes and banter that most of us enjoy on this forum.
But what if you hadn't had a thick skin, and it had taken a bit of courage to make that first ever forum post?
What first impression would other potential forum members casually browsing whilst considering forum membership, who may not be as robust as yourself, have if they could see an experienced forum member having a bit of a dig at a newbie in his very first thread while the moderator looked on and did nothing?
I have to consider the wider implications for the forum as a whole, that's why I stepped in

Fair enough Parksy
. I do love the banter tho
. Sometimes good natured banter can be hard to get across in text only, your sometimes not quite sure if its tongue in cheek or are they being serious. I have been on some forums ( not caravan related ) that sometimes it gets really out of hand, personall threats etc. Lifes too short to be serious all the time, I like good debates, as long as the facts are adhered to, but I see forums as a way of communicating with like minded people you would never come across otherwise. And just from this one topic there is now an oppertunity to cross paths ( and a wee dram ) with another caravaner (emmerson). So, all good as far as i,m concerned


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