High Co2 cars being hit in the budget

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Nov 4, 2004
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"Its stupid comments like yours that let the Government walk all over us re vehicle use!

Food prices today are reported today to be at a record high!"

I dont think it is a stupid comment at all!!!

What have food prices is not all to do with fuel.

Read the news there is a grain/wheat shortage and this is lead

I think youve misunderstood

Im talking about adding only a small amount so you would break even on a yearly average milage say 15,000,if you do less than that then you win.

You then choose more econimical cars and drive slower to conserve more fuel which equals less pollution etc and the big bonus is all the people who dont pay for their road fund licence get caught too,which is me you Steve and Giovanni and everyone who pays for these people.
Jan 9, 2008
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Nonsense, we are paying to much fuel tax by far. Driving up fuel costs just canes motorists more and more. The crooks will just find other fiddles they are not getting away with road tax.

I'm off to 53p a litre diesel in the morning, cheaper cars, cheaper house if we buy one and no Stamp Duty.
Mar 14, 2005
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The rise in fuel duty is more to do with paying for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars than saving the planet. There are big holes in the Government fianances and they have to get it from somewhere and the motorist is seen as the golden cow.

There may be solid reasons for being prudent with oil reserves, but paying Gordon will not help that cause at all.
Nov 4, 2004
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Yes Jason agreeded crooks will find other fiddles,but its reported that they lose 200 million a year in unpaid road fund licence,put it on fuel then if they want to drive they have to pay.

We are all paying this surely even you can see this Jason?

Im not against big c02 cars.

I dont let the government walk all over me,i use to work as a service engineer on petrol forecourts,during the fuel blockage a few years ago i got abused by people and punched because we were only letting people have
Mar 14, 2005
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The comments are becomming too heated and personal. Please moderate yourselves before the moderators jump in and cut the thread.
Jan 9, 2008
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"We are all paying this surely"

So you want us to pay even more just so you can get criminals to pay more as well.

So we pay twice for others crimes! No Thanks, Madness!

got a lane with our name on it. Happy Easter and Happy Paddy's day
Sep 14, 2006
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I see this is still a very immotive subject and suppose it always will be.

I'm not a raving green but I do think that we need to have a bit of enlightened thinking about this. Developed countries burn masses and masses of fossil fuel. The more we burn, the faster our climate will change and the sooner our reserves will run out. They call it "future shrinking" - I suppose its a case of how many generations down the line it will really impact on for us to give a rats bottom about it now.

Its the fledgling or less developed countries like China and India that are actually going to have major impacts on climate change moving forward because they are yet to develop the controls we have.

That said it is the supposedly most advanced, least enlightened and most arrogant country in the world that has most means at its disposal to curb climate change than any other - ie the USA that for the time being remains our bigest polluter.

You have only got to look to America to see where some of the views expressed in this forum are at their strongest. If you watch any footage of an American highway its spot the car.

Americans will and are fighting to the death in Iraq to defend their right to burn as much fuel in their god damn SUV's as they god damn want to. Because they are the best God Damn country in the world and burning fuel in oppulent cars required to transport their fat buts around in is all part of the American Dream.

Its all very well saying Gordon is increasing fuel taxes to pay for Iraq - Why are we in Iraq? - So America can retain control of as much as possible of the middle east's oil reserves - why see above.

Simple fact is everybody needs to look at their carbon footprint and offset where they can. Its not a case of working hard earns you the right to make as big a carbon footprint as you want. Bottom line is if people are not enlightened enough to make choices that make our whole world and not just their's better, then government will try and legislate for it.
Mar 14, 2005
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Where is all this money raised by "green"tax going to? - To pay for the idiots in Westminster for their inflated salaries, pensions, two homes, travelling 150yds in two seperate cars for a meeting and all other hidden perks they can think of. We must be b****y mad to believe these idiots and the eco friendly head bangers. All they are doing is scare mongering and the buffoons at Westminster are cow towing to them. Role on the next election and hopefully we may have a more sane bunch of spongers to lead us.
Mar 16, 2005
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"Where is all this money raised by "green"tax going to? - To pay for the idiots in Westminster for their inflated salaries, pensions, two homes, travelling 150yds in two seperate cars for a meeting and all other hidden perks they can think of. We must be b****y mad to believe these idiots and the eco friendly head bangers. All they are doing is scare mongering and the buffoons at Westminster are cow towing to them. Role on the next election and hopefully we may have a more sane bunch of spongers to lead us."

All so true, except don't expect the next lot in, to be much diferent.....
Mar 14, 2005
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"Where is all this money raised by "green"tax going to? - To pay for the idiots in Westminster for their inflated salaries, pensions, two homes, travelling 150yds in two seperate cars for a meeting and all other hidden perks they can think of. We must be b****y mad to believe these idiots and the eco friendly head bangers. All they are doing is scare mongering and the buffoons at Westminster are cow towing to them. Role on the next election and hopefully we may have a more sane bunch of spongers to lead us."

All so true, except don't expect the next lot in, to be much diferent.....
We can but hope eh Gio LOL
Mar 14, 2005
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Whose going to buy a new car now then, watching News 24 last night it would appear the second hand car market is heading for the doldrums, quoting
Mar 14, 2005
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I really don't know how Brown, Darling and the other members of the House can sleep at night. They must think we are all mugs and idiots - well that's how they treat us. the lies that are trotted out never cease to amaze me. The recent refusal of an EU 'New Constitution' referendum is just another example of their utter contempt for us the Electorate. So a few hundred extra pounds Road Tax, extra duty on fuel, beer, wine, fags etc. means nothing to them - we will just pay up as there is no other alternative.

Sadly not even a change of Party will make much difference.

Now where is my glass of wine!!!!!