Home insurance to cover a 90 consecutive day caravan tour.


Mar 5, 2020
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Simple question.
Can anyone recommend a home insurer prepared to do this? Our current insurer, Devitt, only covers a period of up to 60 days.
Responses appreciated in advance.
Oct 8, 2006
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Is the 60 days Devitt will cover you and your all risk belongings away from home, or do you mean how long Devitt will cover your belongings at home when the house is empty.

Either way I would suggest you look at www.lv.com - they own what was Frizzel that used to handle Red Pennant for the CMC. If you have more than one policy with them - say home and car - you get a discount on both. Their breakdown cover also knocks spots of the big two as does their travel insurance.
Above all they are based in Bournemouth and ISTR they also have a call centre in Leeds, so you will get a non-script jockey natural English-speaker whenever you call them - and if you do you will realise that LV must spend quite a lot of money on staff training. (Any customer of First Direct reading this will know exactly what I mean!)
Nov 11, 2009
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We’ve used LV for years for home and cars and non caravan travel policies. What I like is that as each years renewal comes along you don’t get a big hike in premiums. And when I compare premiums I never feel that they are higher than other decent companies. Yes they are cheaper offers but with insurance I lay great store on getting things sorted if things go wrong. In 2018 we had a pipe burst in the foundation raft of the house. It was a cold main and must have been leaking for a good while. Anyway LV took charge and although it was a long job their contractors sorted everything out superbly.
May 7, 2012
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Most insurers will cover the house for longer periods provided it is checked regularly by a reliable person. If the query is based just on the policy wording, I would ring them and ask if the period can be extended, and what conditions would they put on that extension.
You could try the CAMH if you are a member.


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