How big a caravan 'nerd are *you* ? -;)

Sep 18, 2009
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Whilst watching the Bond movie, 'Octopussy', we reached the scene where Roger Moore drives furiously into (what is supposed to be) an East German touring circus being held on a West German USAF base.

I then (for about the 20th time) pointed out to my family that every single circus caravan shown in the film was a UK model - Spite Musketeer, Abi Monza', etc Not a single German van to be seen!

Which means one of three things:

1] It was an exceptionally poor circus, and they couldn't afford to live in Tabbert's and LMC's, or

2] it was a circuse entirely populated by clinically insane performers, who thought that UK vans were better than the local German models, or

3] it wasn't filmed in Germany, at all..... ;)

Is this skillful observation of the use of the 'wrong' caravans by the film's props dept. the ultimate in nerdiness?

My famiily think it is - and I wear the Caravan Nerd crown, unless you can do better ;)
May 10, 2009
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Well spotted Creature.

Whilst sitting in the Cinema with my father watching a 007 film I think it was the one with Robert Carlisle. The baddies had just blown up a huge gas pipeline. In one of the quieter moments my good old dad says "look at the tree trunks they are all straight, cut with a chainsaw, they have not blown up".

OMG cinema seat swallow me up :)

Millions spent on the film and we spot the wierdest of things....

Nov 20, 2006
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i must be sad as well then because i noticed that in octopussy on sunday. and to make things worse when travelling on motorways 99 times out of a hundred i can can identify the caravan make and nmodel from about half a mile away from size, colour, windows shapes and positions. and worse still when im at work i can also identify the year without checking the vin number. now i think thats sad or is it just being very keen in my work?
Mar 14, 2005
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i must be sad as well then because i noticed that in octopussy on sunday. and to make things worse when travelling on motorways 99 times out of a hundred i can can identify the caravan make and nmodel from about half a mile away from size, colour, windows shapes and positions. and worse still when im at work i can also identify the year without checking the vin number. now i think thats sad or is it just being very keen in my work?
Apr 30, 2008
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Alan is also a strong contender for the 'Crown of Nerdness.' We can be behind or passing a caravan on the road or on site and he'll come out with 'end bathroom, 2 berth.' 'end kitchen' 'fixed bed, side bathroom' etc...and we've only been caravanners for 18 months, heaven help me when he has a few more years under his belt.

Nov 7, 2005
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I'm a big contender as far as my eight year old nephew is concerned...

He slunk out of the room last Christmas and slumped in a kitchen chair with a very long face.

What's up, asks Mum, are they talking caravans again?

No worse than that, he said - caravan WHEELS!!!
Sep 15, 2006
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I get accused of it all the time . Heartbeat on TV,and similar programmes, are a good bet for me to get strange looks from the family.I'll often comment that 'such and such caravan' is too new for the period they are trying to portray,etc.
Dec 23, 2006
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My wife and i must be Gold Plated Nerds.

When travelling we have a competition who is the first to recognise:- Make. Model and year of a caravan. My wife is good at recogniseing the model from the position of the windows.

Also when visiting our dealer or other dealers we look for old coachbuilt caravans.

Sad --yes, but good fun!!!

Can you go on Mastermind--subject-- caravans!!



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